Can't change distance of a powerup spawn from player

Godot Version



I am making a game like flappy bird but each just cost you energy so you need to collect it mid flight, the energy spawn randomly on a PathFollow2D that uses this code

extends Path2D

@export var player : CharacterBody2D = null
@export var distance : float = 20

func _process(_delta : float)->void:
	position.y = player.position.y  - distance

to stay move together with the player’s y position, every time I pickup a powerup a new one spawns on the path, but there is a problem, the disctance var doesn’t work, no matter what I change the number too the path2d is always set to 1 distance, changing where I place the path 2d also didn’t change anything, so its like this code is working because it is moving the path2d but I can’t change the distance

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Is your scene tree unchanged from when you previously asked a question? (i.e., is the Path2D node still a distinct node that isn’t a child of the player node?)

This code makes use of the _process method, which is a default method in the Node class that is called once every frame. If you manually change the position of the Path2D in the editor and press F5 on the keyboard (or F6, or click the ‘play’ button), _process will get called and snap the Path2D to a position that’s 20 pixels above the player’s position.

distance can be changed in multiple ways. One of them is via a signal. Because the player and Path2D nodes are separate and don’t have a parent/child relationship, you could make a “message bus” to communicate between them.

First, make a new script and name it Open your project settings menu (project->project settings at the top of your screen.) Make the newly created script an autoload (go to ‘globals’, click on the folder icon, select the script, then click ‘add’.)

Now edit the script. Add the following code to it:

class_name MessageBus

signal set_new_offset(offset : float)

Save the script. Now in Path2D’s script, add the following:

func _ready(_delta : float)->void:
func change_offset(offset : float)->void:
	distance = offset

The class MessageBus defines a signal that takes one float as a parameter. _ready in the Path2D script is called after the scene and its children enter the tree, and it connects method change_offset to the signal so that whenever the signal is emitted, change_offset is called.

You can now emit the signal from anywhere you please (I assume in your player script somewhere) using this line of code:


Where whatever_new_value_you_want is a float, and your desired offset.

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okay so I think I made a very stupid mistake, for the past 2 days I tried to make the power ups spawn closer, I changed it from 200 to 20 and I thought if it was 20 it would be only 20 pixels away from me on the y axis turns out I need to do something like - 150 which idk it just didn’t make sense for me because we are subtracting a number from the current players position.y. I just figured it out a minute after messaging you so I am sorry for that, but I still don’t understand how the calculations here work