Can't Click Button in scene with Multiple Buttons

Godot Version



Can't click/interact with button in scene with multiple buttons. Is node tree setup with control node parents causing this or mouse filter settings?

So I have a level as a scene and made two other scenes that are button nodes that get carried by their own respective animation players to give a challenge to the player to make it hard for them to click them. One is Milk and the other Poison. When adding them to the scene I had trouble when testing, neither of the scenes were clickable, tinkering around, at one point I couldn’t click the “Reload” button or my “Back” button which is native to the level. I accidentally parented my Reload and Back buttons to the added Poison scene and I could click all of the buttons now except for the Milk scene. Unsure if I need to parent/order things differently in the scene.

Game Scene Node Tree where the two button nodes are Added :

Visual of Game Scene (A little hard to capture in a screenshot lol it is for a glitchy themed game jam) :

Starts off with this :

After hitting close button :

Milk Bottle Scene (Poison Bottle has same structure)

Most likely a mouse filtering issue
Nodes below on the scene tree render over and take priority in input

I’d check the “Control” node under ur “Poison_QTE_UI” node
Set the mouse filter to “Pass” or “Ignore” on it and any children it might have that block ur buttons

btw nice artstyle lol

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“Ignore” works perfectly, awesome.

And thank you! Glad to hear you like the art, so nervous about finally unveiling this thing for the game jam! :laughing:

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