Cant figure out how to update this text label

Godot Version

godot 4


things to note:

  • making my first game from Brackeys tutorial on YT
  • dubugger has no errors, just a few of the “this variable isnt being used” stuff i’ll work on at a later date (as far as i can tell not related to my problem)
  • i have a global script with a speedrun clock and related variables
  • the “best_time” label works with no problems
  • “best_time” and “best_score” are both children of the script in the sreenshot


i’m trying to make the “best_score” label update to show the highest score gotten within the fastest time (a lower score shouldn’t change it), in roughly the same way im updating the “best_time” label


The “best_score” label doesn’t update whatsoever, and my debugger isn’t showing any problems so i can’t figure this one out

any help is appreciated
related images:


Global script

update - fixed it by moving the variables to Global script from the gamemanager script, was resetting the values when i reloaded the scene

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