Can't join network game over WAN or LAN

Godot Version



I’ve created a simple multiplayer game with a host, join, and address input buttons/field. I am able to join my own game if I use localhost or my internal IP but when I try my external IP, after 30 seconds or so, it fails to connect.

I’ve used the multiplayer.connection_failed.connect(connection_failed) signal to detect this, but the signal itself does not have a way for showing why the connection failed.

Ultimately I want to find out why my game isn’t working, but I would also like to be able to debug myself and show a message to the joining client why it failed.

I’ve read through the entire MultiplayerAPI documentation and unless I missed something, I don’t see an obvious way to display more information. Is it because there is no way and the game knows as much as I do as to why it didn’t work? hmm, now I’m starting to think that is it.

I really don’t want it to be a struggle to connect to games. Players shouldnt have to fiddle with their routers just to play. But I am very inexperienced to networking. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Following up to my own post. I managed to fix the connection problem by changing my port number to something longer. Originally “2048” did not work.

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