Hello! So, I am trying to implement a character controller into my game, and it’s being weird. The side-to-side movement works just fine, but for some reason moving back and forth is super slow to the point its unplayable. Here is my code:
Here is the bug in action. Apparently, the bug is different now? Now moving forward, backwards, and side to side works fine, but moving diagonal stops the character from moving (or at least stops it from moving forwards). Can anyone help?
Ah, ok.
Is your code still unchanged since you posted it initially in the original post above?
And your issue is that pressing 2 actions at the same time, e.g. “up” and “right”, it won’t go diagonally?
Yes. I haven’t changed the code since uploading and the main problem is that forward and backward movement stops when you try to move diagonally, so diagonal movement is impossible. Thank you so much for trying to help me.