Godot Version
So, I’m working on a 3D Tactical RPG as my first Godot project. Using C# since I already have some experience with it, though it’s been a while since I’ve coded.
I’ve got AStar3D pathfinding and obstacle avoidance done. Now I’m trying to write a Unity-style SphereCast helper function which I’ll use for my String-Pulling algorithm. My problem is that now matter how I set up my scene or code, my SphereCast doesn’t detect my GridMap blocks.
In my MeshLibrary, each block is structured like this before exporting:
Node3D (.GLB mesh)
MeshInstance3D (child of Node3D)
StaticBody3D (child of MeshInstance3D)
- CollisionShape3D (child of StaticBody3D)
I’ve set Collision Layer to 1 for all my MeshLibrary blocks and for the Gridmap itself.
Here’s my helper class (I wanted to avoid instantiating it as a Node3D, but I don’t see a convenient way to access the scene’s DirectSpaceState from a static class without passing it as a parameter):
using Godot;
using Godot.Collections;
public partial class CollisionService : Node3D
private PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D Space;
private SphereShape3D Sphere;
public override void _Ready()
Sphere = new SphereShape3D();
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)
Space = GetWorld3D().DirectSpaceState;
public Array<Dictionary> SphereCast(Vector3 origin, float radius, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, uint collisionMask)
Sphere.Radius = radius;
var param = new PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D();
param.Shape = Sphere;
param.Transform = new Transform3D(Basis.Identity, origin);
param.CollisionMask = collisionMask;
param.Motion = direction * maxDistance;
param.CollideWithAreas = true;
param.CollideWithBodies = true;
var result = Space.IntersectShape(param);
return result;
In my Pathfinding class, for now I’m just checking if there are any walls on the straight line between the player’s starting tile and the destination on. But the SphereCast never reports a collision no matter where I path from/to. I’m sure all my parameters are correct, and I’m passing “(uint)1” as the collisionMask.
Honestly, the documentation on Physics Query Parameters and IntersectShape are very confusing as a beginner since there aren’t any practical examples listed for using them. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong here. Am I not using DirectSpaceState properly? Am I using the wrong Physics parameters or Intersect function? Is there some weird idiosyncrasy with GridMaps that screws with collision?