ColorPicker screen disappears when color changed and have to reclick to open again

Godot Version

godot 4.3


Ok so i've been working on my ultimate tic tac toe game and I'm having an issue, I will show a video which will explain everything

So yeah....The colorPicker closes when I try to choose a color and I have to reclick to change the color, I have tried to find fixs and tried to fix it myself, but it does absolutely nothing...

Here are my SceneTree of AIminiboard.tscn to help:

Here is my script to help with this:

extends Control

@export var tween_intensity: float
@export var tween_duration: float
@export var button_size: Vector2 = Vector2(80, 80)  # Adjust these values to make buttons bigger/smaller
@export var grid_spacing: int = 5  # Space between buttons in each grid
@export var column_spacing: int = 20  # Space between different 3x3 grids

var current_player = "X"  # Player is "X", AI is "O"
var cells = []  # Store references to buttons
var is_ai_turn = false  # Track if it's AI's turn
var small_board_wins = []  # Track wins for small boards
var overall_winner = ""  # Track overall winner
var x_win_labels = [] # Declare labels for each column
var o_win_labels = [] # Declare labels for each column
var tie_labels = []  # Array to hold tie labels for each column
var stats: Dictionary = load_stats()  # Load or initialize stats at the start
var active_column = -1  # Initialize with -1 to allow any board on the first move
var ai_difficulty = "Hard"  # Can be "Easy", "Medium", or "Hard"
var player_goes_first: bool = true
var x_first_count = 0
var o_first_count = 0
var focusable_buttons: Array = []
var current_focus_index: int = 0

@onready var winner_label = $WinnerLabel  # General winner label
@onready var ai_home_button = $AIHomeButton  # Reference to the AIHomeButton
@onready var ai_rematch_button = $AIRematchUltimateButton  # Reference to the rematch button
@onready var stating_labels = [
	$Stating1, $Stating2, $Stating3, $Stating4, $Stating5, $Stating6, $Stating7, $Stating8, $Stating9
@onready var rematch: Button = $AIRematchUltimateButton
@onready var homepage: Button = $Miniboardhomepage
@onready var aihome: Button = $AIHomeButton
@onready var grid_button_settings: Button = $GridButtonSettings
@onready var grid_settings_label: Label = $GridSettingsLabel
@onready var cell_settings_label: Label = $CellSettingsLabel

func _ready():
	$BackgroundColorOption.text = "Background Color Options:"
	$BackgroundColorOption.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 45)
	$CellButtonColor.text = "Cell Color Options:"
	$CellButtonColor.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 45)
	$GridColorOption.text = "Grid Color Options:"
	$GridColorOption.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 44)
	if has_node("CanvasLayer/Control/FPS_COUNTER_AIminiboard"):
		$CanvasLayer/Control/FPS_COUNTER_AIminiboard.visible = FpsManager.fps_enabled

	var saved_color = load_grid_color("grid_color")
	$GridColor.color = saved_color

	for label in stating_labels:
		label.visible = false
	small_board_wins = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]  # Initialize small board wins
	winner_label.visible = false
	ai_home_button.visible = false  # Hide the AIHomeButton initially
	ai_rematch_button.visible = false  # Hide rematch button initially

	# Initialize labels for each column
	for i in range(1, 10):
		x_win_labels.append(get_node("XWinLabelColumn" + str(i)))
		o_win_labels.append(get_node("OWinLabelColumn" + str(i)))
		tie_labels.append(get_node("ItsATieLabelColumn" + str(i)))
		x_win_labels[i - 1].visible = false
		o_win_labels[i - 1].visible = false
		tie_labels[i - 1].visible = false
	# Initialize cells for columns and connect all buttons
	for column_index in range(1, 10):  # Columns 1 to 9
		var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index))
		for cell_index in range(9):  # Cells 1 to 9 in each column
			var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(cell_index)
			cell.connect("pressed", Callable(self, "_on_AICell_pressed").bind(column_index - 1, cell_index))
			focusable_buttons.append(cell)  # Add each cell to focusable buttons

	# Add specific buttons to focusable buttons
	focusable_buttons.append_array([ai_rematch_button, homepage, ai_home_button])

	for button in focusable_buttons:
		button.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_ALL

	# Set initial focus

	# Determine who goes first
	player_goes_first = randf() < 0.5
	current_player = "X" if player_goes_first else "O"
	# Update UI to show who's playing
	$XIsPlaying.visible = player_goes_first
	$OIsPlaying.visible = !player_goes_first
	# If AI goes first, trigger its turn
	if !player_goes_first:

	var button10_click_player: AudioStreamPlayer = $Button10ClickPlayer = load("res://Sounds/click.ogg")
	cell_settings_label.visible = false
	grid_settings_label.visible = false  # Make the label invisible on start
	if not grid_button_settings.is_connected("pressed", Callable(self, "_on_gridsettings_pressed")):
		grid_button_settings.connect("pressed", Callable(self, "_on_gridsettings_pressed"))
	$GridColorOption.visible = false
	$GridColor.visible = false
	if not $GridColorOption.is_connected("item_selected", Callable(self, "_on_grid_color_option_toggled")):
		$GridColorOption.connect("item_selected", Callable(self, "_on_grid_color_option_toggled"))
	if not $GridColor.is_connected("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_grid_color_changed")):
		$GridColor.connect("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_grid_color_changed"))
		$CellButtonColor.connect("toggled", Callable(self, "_on_cell_button_color_toggled"))
	if not $CellButtonColor.is_connected("toggled", Callable(self, "_on_cell_button_color_toggled")):
		$CellButtonColor.connect("toggled", Callable(self, "_on_cell_button_color_toggled"))
	if not $CellColor.is_connected("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_cell_color_changed")):
		$CellColor.connect("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_cell_color_changed"))
	$CellButtonColor.visible = false
	$CellColor.visible = false
	$BackgroundSettingsLabel.visible = false
	$BackgroundColorOption.visible = false
	$BackgroundColor.visible = false
	if not $BackgroundColorOption.is_connected("toggled", Callable(self, "_on_background_color_option_toggled")):
		$BackgroundColorOption.connect("toggled", Callable(self, "_on_background_color_option_toggled"))
	if not $BackgroundColor.is_connected("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_background_color_changed")):
		$BackgroundColor.connect("color_changed", Callable(self, "_on_background_color_changed"))

	var saved_background_color = load_grid_color("background_color")
	var saved_cell_color = load_grid_color("cell_color")
	# Connect input events

# Add this function to create and style panels
func create_styled_panel() -> Panel:
	var panel =
	# Create and setup background style
	var bg_style =
	bg_style.bg_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)  # White color
	# Create and setup border style
	var border_style =
	border_style.bg_color = Color("99999900")
	border_style.set_border_width_all(2)  # Set all borders to 2
	border_style.border_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)  # White border
	# Apply styles to panel
	panel.add_theme_stylebox_override("panel", border_style)
	panel.modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)  # White modulate
	panel.self_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)  # White self_modulate
	return panel

# Add this new function to set up the grid containers
# Modify your setup_grid_containers function to add panels to cells
func setup_grid_containers():
	# Setup the main grid containers (columns)
	for i in range(1, 10):
		var grid: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(i))
		if grid:
			grid.columns = 3  # Ensure 3 columns for 3x3 grid
			grid.add_theme_constant_override("h_separation", grid_spacing)
			grid.add_theme_constant_override("v_separation", grid_spacing)
			# Setup each button in the grid
			for cell in grid.get_children():
				if cell is Button:
					# Add panel as child of button
					var panel = create_styled_panel()
					# Make buttons bigger by setting a larger custom minimum size
					cell.custom_minimum_size = Vector2(80, 80)
					cell.text = " "
					cell.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 60)
					# Optional: Add some styling to make buttons look better
					var style =
					style.bg_color = Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
					style.corner_radius_top_left = 8
					style.corner_radius_top_right = 8
					style.corner_radius_bottom_left = 8
					style.corner_radius_bottom_right = 8
					cell.add_theme_stylebox_override("normal", style.duplicate())
					# Create hover style
					var hover_style = style.duplicate()
					hover_style.bg_color = Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
					cell.add_theme_stylebox_override("hover", hover_style)
					# Create pressed style
					var pressed_style = style.duplicate()
					pressed_style.bg_color = Color(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1)
					cell.add_theme_stylebox_override("pressed", pressed_style)

func set_initial_focus():
	if not focusable_buttons.is_empty():
		current_focus_index = 0

func _input(_event):
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right"):
		change_focus(1, 0)
	elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
		change_focus(-1, 0)
	elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_down"):
		change_focus(0, 1)
	elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_up"):
		change_focus(0, -1)
	elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
		if focusable_buttons[current_focus_index].has_focus():
			get_viewport().set_input_as_handled()  # Prevent double input
	elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"):  # Check for cancel action
		_on_miniboardhomepage_pressed() # Call the back button function

func change_focus(dx: int, dy: int):
	var grid_size = 3  # 3x3 grid for each small board
	var current_grid = int(current_focus_index / (grid_size * grid_size))
	var position_in_grid = current_focus_index % (grid_size * grid_size)
	var row = int(position_in_grid / grid_size)
	var col = position_in_grid % grid_size
	row += dy
	col += dx
	if row < 0:
		if current_grid >= 3:
			current_grid -= 3
			row = 2
			row = 0
	elif row > 2:
		if current_grid < 6:
			current_grid += 3
			row = 0
			row = 2
	if col < 0:
		if current_grid % 3 > 0:
			current_grid -= 1
			col = 2
			col = 0
	elif col > 2:
		if current_grid % 3 < 2:
			current_grid += 1
			col = 0
			col = 2
	var new_index = (current_grid * grid_size * grid_size) + (row * grid_size) + col
	new_index = clamp(new_index, 0, focusable_buttons.size() - 1)
	if new_index != current_focus_index:
		current_focus_index = new_index

func update_stating_labels() -> void:
	for i in range(stating_labels.size()):
		stating_labels[i].visible = (i == active_column and is_column_playable(i))
	if active_column != -1 and is_column_playable(active_column):
		# Move focus to the first empty cell in the active column
		var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(active_column + 1))
		for i in range(9):
			var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
			if cell.text == "":
				current_focus_index = focusable_buttons.find(cell)
		# If the active column is full or not playable, find the next available column
		active_column = find_next_unwon_column()
		if active_column != -1:
			update_stating_labels()  # Recursively update labels and focus

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	for button in focusable_buttons:

func start_tween(object: Object, property: String, final_val: Variant, duration: float):
	var tween = create_tween()
	tween.tween_property(object, property, final_val, duration)

func button_hovered(button: Button):
	button.pivot_offset = button.size / 2
	if button.is_hovered() or button.has_focus():
		start_tween(button, "scale", Vector2.ONE * tween_intensity, tween_duration)
		start_tween(button, "scale", Vector2.ONE, tween_duration)

func _connect_button(button: Button, handler: String):
	if button and !button.is_connected("pressed", Callable(self, handler)):
		button.connect("pressed", Callable(self, handler))
		print( + " not found or already connected.")
# Function to save stats
func load_stats() -> Dictionary:
	var file_path = "user://Stats.cfg"
	if not FileAccess.file_exists(file_path):
		print("Stats file does not exist. Initializing with default values.")
		return {
			"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Won": 0,
			"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_Yourself_Lost": 0,
			"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won": 0,
			"Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost": 0,
			"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won": 0,
			"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_Won": 0,
			"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost": 0,
			"Simple_Tic_Tac_Toe_Lost": 0

	var file =, FileAccess.READ)
	if file:
		var local_stats = {}  # Renamed the local variable
		while not file.eof_reached():
			var line = file.get_line().strip_edges()
			var parts = line.split("=")
			if parts.size() == 2:
				local_stats[parts[0]] = int(parts[1])  # Convert the value to an int
		return local_stats  # Return the renamed variable
		print("Failed to open file for reading.")
		return {}

func update_stats(is_win: bool, player: String):
	print("Updating stats - is_win:", is_win, "player:", player)  # Debugging output
	# Ensure the necessary keys are present in the stats dictionary
	if not stats.has("Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"):
		stats["Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"] = 0
	if not stats.has("Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"):
		stats["Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"] = 0

	# Update stats based on win/loss and player
	if player == "X":
		if is_win:
			stats["Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Won"] += 1
	elif player == "O":
		if is_win:
			stats["Ultimate_Tic_Tac_Toe_AI_Lost"] += 1

func save_stats(new_stats: Dictionary) -> void:
	var file_path = "user://Stats.cfg"
	var file =, FileAccess.WRITE)
	if file:
		for key in new_stats.keys():
			var line = key + "=" + str(new_stats[key])  # Create the line for each key-value pair
			file.store_line(line)  # Store the line in the file
		print("Failed to open file for writing.")

#handler for cells 1-81
func _on_AICell_pressed(column_index: int, cell_index: int) -> void:
	if current_player != "X" or overall_winner != "" or (active_column != -1 and column_index != active_column) or not is_column_playable(column_index):
		print("Invalid move attempt")

	var cell: Button = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1)).get_child(cell_index)

	if cell.text == "":
		make_move(cell, column_index, cell_index)

func make_move(cell: Button, column_index: int, _cell_index: int):
	cell.text = current_player
	cell.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 60)  # Makes the X larger
	print("Player X moved")
	stating_labels[column_index].visible = false

	# Update active_column to the column the player just moved in
	active_column = column_index

	if check_winner(column_index, current_player):
		small_board_wins[column_index] = current_player
		if check_overall_winner():

	if is_column_full(column_index):
		tie_labels[column_index].visible = true

	# Switch to AI's turn
	current_player = "O"
	is_ai_turn = true
	$XIsPlaying.visible = false
	$OIsPlaying.visible = true
	print("Triggering AI turn")

func trigger_ai_turn():
	print("AI turn started")
	var ai_column = await ai_turn()
	print("AI turn completed, played in column: ", ai_column + 1)
	# Recheck valid columns after AI's turn
	active_column = find_next_unwon_column()

	# If the AI won the game, we don't need to continue
	if overall_winner != "":

	# If the AI played in the same column as the player, we need to find a new active column
	if ai_column == -1 or not is_column_playable(ai_column):
		active_column = find_next_unwon_column()

	# Switch back to player's turn
	current_player = "X"
	is_ai_turn = false
	$XIsPlaying.visible = true
	$OIsPlaying.visible = false

func find_next_unwon_column() -> int:
	var columns = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

	for i in columns:
		if is_column_playable(i):
			return i
	return -1

func is_column_full(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		if cell.text == "":
			return false  # Return false if any cell is empty
	return true  # Return true if all cells are filled

func update_column_win_label(column_index: int) -> void:
	# Show the appropriate win label for the column
	if small_board_wins[column_index] == "X":
		x_win_labels[column_index].visible = true
	elif small_board_wins[column_index] == "O":
		o_win_labels[column_index].visible = true

func lock_column(column_index: int) -> void:
	# Ensure the column index is valid (0-8 for 1-9 in the UI)
	if column_index < 0 or column_index >= 9:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		cell.disabled = true  # Lock the buttons in this column

func lock_game() -> void:
	for column_index in range(9):  # Only loop through valid column indices (0-8)
		lock_column(column_index)  # Lock all columns

func ai_turn() -> int:
	print("AI turn function called")
	if current_player != "O" or overall_winner != "":
		print("AI turn aborted: not O's turn or game over")
		return -1
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.35).timeout  # Delay for AI's move

	var column_to_play = find_valid_column_for_ai()
	print("AI choosing column: ", column_to_play + 1)

	if column_to_play == -1:
		print("No valid moves available. Game might be over.")
		return -1

	var move_made = false
	match ai_difficulty:
			move_made = play_easy_move(column_to_play)
			move_made = play_medium_move(column_to_play)
			move_made = play_hard_move(column_to_play)

	if !move_made:
		print("AI failed to make a move")
		return -1

	print("AI played in column: ", column_to_play + 1)

	# Check if AI wins the small board
	if check_winner(column_to_play, "O"):
		small_board_wins[column_to_play] = "O"
		if check_overall_winner():
			return column_to_play

	# Switch turn to player
	current_player = "X"
	is_ai_turn = false
	$XIsPlaying.visible = true
	$OIsPlaying.visible = false

	# Update active column for the player's next move
	active_column = find_next_unwon_column()
	return column_to_play

func play_easy_move(column_index: int) -> bool:
	return play_random_move(column_index)

func play_medium_move(column_index: int) -> bool:
	if can_win(column_index, "O"):
		return take_winning_move(column_index)
	elif block_player(column_index):
		return true
		return play_random_move(column_index)

func play_hard_move(column_index: int) -> bool:
	if can_win(column_index, "O"):
		return take_winning_move(column_index)
	elif block_player(column_index):
		return true
	elif can_create_fork(column_index, "O"):
		return create_fork(column_index, "O")
	elif can_block_fork(column_index):
		return create_fork(column_index, "O")  # Block fork by creating our own fork
	elif can_play_center(column_index):
		return play_center(column_index)
	elif can_play_opposite_corner(column_index):
		return play_opposite_corner(column_index)
	elif can_play_empty_corner(column_index):
		return play_empty_corner(column_index)
	elif can_play_empty_side(column_index):
		return play_empty_side(column_index)
		return play_random_move(column_index)

func take_winning_move(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		if cell.text == "":
			cell.text = "O"  # AI makes the winning move
			return true
	return false

func block_player(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		if cell.text == "":
			if can_win(column_index, "X"):  # Check if player can win
				cell.text = "O"  # Block the player
				return true  # Block successful
	return false  # No blocking move necessary

func play_random_move(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var empty_cells = []
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		if cell.text == "":
			empty_cells.append(cell)  # Add empty cells to the list
	if empty_cells.size() > 0:
		var random_cell: Button = empty_cells[randi() % empty_cells.size()]
		random_cell.text = "O"  # AI plays randomly
		return true
	return false

func check_for_overall_tie() -> void:
	for i in range(9):
		if is_column_playable(i):
			return  # If any column is playable, the game is not a tie
	# If we've reached here, no columns are playable

# Function to switch turns
func switch_turn():
	current_player = "O" if current_player == "X" else "X"
	$XIsPlaying.visible = (current_player == "X")
	$OIsPlaying.visible = (current_player == "O")

# Call this function each time a turn is completed
func _on_turn_completed():

func check_winner(column_index: int, player: String) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	print("Checking winner for player: ", player)
	# Check rows
	for i in range(3):
		if grid_container.get_child(i * 3).text == player and \
		   grid_container.get_child(i * 3 + 1).text == player and \
		   grid_container.get_child(i * 3 + 2).text == player:
			return true
	# Check columns
	for i in range(3):
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == player and \
		   grid_container.get_child(i + 3).text == player and \
		   grid_container.get_child(i + 6).text == player:
			return true
	# Check diagonals
	if (grid_container.get_child(0).text == player and \
		grid_container.get_child(4).text == player and \
		grid_container.get_child(8).text == player) or \
	   (grid_container.get_child(2).text == player and \
		grid_container.get_child(4).text == player and \
		grid_container.get_child(6).text == player):
		return true
	return false

func check_overall_winner() -> bool:
	for player in ["X", "O"]:
		# Check rows
		for i in range(3):
			if small_board_wins[i * 3] == player and \
			   small_board_wins[i * 3 + 1] == player and \
			   small_board_wins[i * 3 + 2] == player:
				return true
		# Check columns
		for i in range(3):
			if small_board_wins[i] == player and \
			   small_board_wins[i + 3] == player and \
			   small_board_wins[i + 6] == player:
				return true
		# Check diagonals
		if (small_board_wins[0] == player and \
			small_board_wins[4] == player and \
			small_board_wins[8] == player) or \
		   (small_board_wins[2] == player and \
			small_board_wins[4] == player and \
			small_board_wins[6] == player):
			return true
	return false

func display_winner(player: String) -> void:
	if player == "Tie":
		winner_label.text = "It's a Tie!"
		# Update stats for the winner and loser
		if player == "X":
			update_stats(true, "X")  # Player wins
			update_stats(false, "O")  # AI loses
			update_stats(false, "X")  # Player loses
			update_stats(true, "O")  # AI wins
		# Show the appropriate win label for the overall winner
		for i in range(9):
			if small_board_wins[i] == player:
				if player == "X":
					x_win_labels[i].visible = true
					o_win_labels[i].visible = true
		winner_label.text = player + " wins!"

	print(winner_label.text)  # Outputs the result to the console
	winner_label.visible = true
	ai_home_button.visible = true  # Show the AIHomeButton when a player wins
	ai_rematch_button.visible = true  # Make the rematch button visible
	# Move focus to the appropriate button based on the winner
	if player == "X":
		ai_rematch_button.grab_focus()  # Focus on rematch button for X
		ai_home_button.grab_focus()  # Focus on home button for O

func reset_game_state() -> void:
	current_player = "X"  # Reset current player
	small_board_wins = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]  # Reset small board wins
	overall_winner = ""  # Reset overall winner

# AI Strategies
func can_win(column_index: int, player: String) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(i)
		if cell.text == "":
			cell.text = player  # Try to make a move for the current player
			if check_winner(column_index, player):  # Pass the player as an argument
				cell.text = ""  # Reset move
				return true  # Winning move found
			cell.text = ""  # Reset move
	return false  # No winning move found

func reset_game() -> void:
	# Reset game state
	small_board_wins = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
	overall_winner = ""
	# Randomly decide who goes first
	player_goes_first = randf() < 0.5
	current_player = "X" if player_goes_first else "O"
	# Update UI accordingly
	$XIsPlaying.visible = player_goes_first
	$OIsPlaying.visible = !player_goes_first
	# Clear all cell texts and other resets
	for column_index in range(1, 10):
		var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index))
		for cell_index in range(9):
			var cell: Button = grid_container.get_child(cell_index)
			cell.text = ""  # Clear the cell text
			cell.disabled = false  # Enable the button again
	winner_label.visible = false
	ai_home_button.visible = false
	ai_rematch_button.visible = false
	# Hide all win labels and tie labels
	for label in x_win_labels:
		label.visible = false
	for label in o_win_labels:
		label.visible = false
	for label in tie_labels:
		label.visible = false
	# If AI goes first, trigger its turn
	if current_player == "O":
func _on_aihomebutton_pressed() -> void:
	$  # Play the button click sound
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout  # Wait for a short duration
	print("AI Home button clicked")  # Log button click to the console

func _on_miniboardhomepage_pressed() -> void:
	$  # Play the button click sound
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout  # Wait for a short duration
	print("Mini Board Home button clicked")  # Log button click to the console

func _on_airematchultimatebutton_pressed() -> void:
	$  # Play the button click sound
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout  # Wait for a short duration
	print("AI Rematch Ultimate button clicked")  # Log button click to the console
	reset_game()  # Call your reset function
	ai_rematch_button.visible = false  # Hide the rematch button after it's clicked

func can_create_fork(column_index: int, player: String) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var fork_opportunities = 0
	for i in range(9):
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = player
			if count_winning_lines(column_index, player) >= 2:
				fork_opportunities += 1
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = ""
	return fork_opportunities >= 2

func create_fork(column_index: int, player: String) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = player
			if count_winning_lines(column_index, player) >= 2:
				return true
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = ""
	return false

func can_block_fork(column_index: int) -> bool:
	return can_create_fork(column_index, "X")

func block_fork(column_index: int) -> bool:
	return create_fork(column_index, "O")

func can_play_center(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	return grid_container.get_child(4).text == ""

func play_center(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	if grid_container.get_child(4).text == "":
		grid_container.get_child(4).text = "O"
		return true
	return false

func can_play_opposite_corner(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var corners = [0, 2, 6, 8]
	for i in corners:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "X" and grid_container.get_child(8 - i).text == "":
			return true
	return false

func play_opposite_corner(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var corners = [0, 2, 6, 8]
	for i in corners:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "X" and grid_container.get_child(8 - i).text == "":
			grid_container.get_child(8 - i).text = "O"
			return true
	return false

func can_play_empty_corner(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var corners = [0, 2, 6, 8]
	for i in corners:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			return true
	return false

func play_empty_corner(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var corners = [0, 2, 6, 8]
	for i in corners:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = "O"
			return true
	return false

Any help would be very much appreciated, let me know if you need anything specific, thank you, have a great day! :slight_smile:

Also had an error so sending rest of code in reply

Here is the rest of the code cuz godot wouldn’t let me sned it:

func can_play_empty_side(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var sides = [1, 3, 5, 7]
	for i in sides:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			return true
	return false

func play_empty_side(column_index: int) -> bool:
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var sides = [1, 3, 5, 7]
	for i in sides:
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			grid_container.get_child(i).text = "O"
			return true
	return false

func count_winning_lines(column_index: int, player: String) -> int:
	var count = 0
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	var lines = [
		[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],  # Rows
		[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],  # Columns
		[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]  # Diagonals
	for line in lines:
		var player_count = 0
		var empty_count = 0
		for i in line:
			if grid_container.get_child(i).text == player:
				player_count += 1
			elif grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
				empty_count += 1
		if player_count == 2 and empty_count == 1:
			count += 1
	return count
func is_column_playable(column_index: int) -> bool:
	if small_board_wins[column_index] != null:
		return false  # Column has been won by a player
	var grid_container: GridContainer = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column_index + 1))
	for i in range(9):
		if grid_container.get_child(i).text == "":
			return true  # Found an empty cell, column is playable
	return false  # All cells are filled, column is not playable

func find_valid_column_for_ai() -> int:
	var valid_columns = []
	var weights = []
	var total_weight = 0

	for i in range(9):
		if is_column_playable(i):
			# Give higher weight to columns different from the last player move
			var weight = 3 if i != active_column else 1
			total_weight += weight

	if valid_columns.size() > 0:
		var random_value = randf() * total_weight
		var cumulative_weight = 0
		for i in range(valid_columns.size()):
			cumulative_weight += weights[i]
			if random_value <= cumulative_weight:
				return valid_columns[i]
		# Fallback to last valid column if something goes wrong
		return valid_columns[valid_columns.size() - 1]
		return -1  # No valid columns available

func _on_reset_button_pressed() -> void:
	print("Reset Game button pressed")
	await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout  # Add a delay
func save_grid_color(key: String, color: Color) -> void:
	var config =
	config.set_value("Colors", key, color)"user://GridColor.cfg")

func load_grid_color(key: String) -> Color:
	var config =
	var err = config.load("user://GridColor.cfg")
	if err == OK:
		return config.get_value("Colors", key, Color.BLACK)
	return Color.BLACK  # Default color if file doesn't exist or can't be loaded

func _on_gridsettings_pressed() -> void:
	cell_settings_label.visible = not cell_settings_label.visible
	grid_settings_label.visible = not grid_settings_label.visible
	$GridColorOption.visible = grid_settings_label.visible
	$CellButtonColor.visible = grid_settings_label.visible
	$BackgroundSettingsLabel.visible = grid_settings_label.visible
	$BackgroundColorOption.visible = grid_settings_label.visible
	if not grid_settings_label.visible:
		$GridColor.visible = false
		$CellColor.visible = false
		$BackgroundColor.visible = false

func _on_grid_color_option_toggled(index: int) -> void:
	$GridColor.visible = index > 0

func _on_grid_color_changed(color: Color) -> void:
	save_grid_color("grid_color", color)

func update_grid_color(color: Color) -> void:
	var rectangles = [$rectangle, $rectangle2, $rectangle3, $square, $square2]
	for rect in rectangles:
		rect.color = color

func _on_cell_button_color_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void:
	$CellColor.visible = toggled_on

func _on_cell_color_changed(color: Color) -> void:
	save_grid_color("cell_color", color)

func update_cell_colors(color: Color) -> void:
	for column in range(1, 10):
		var grid_container = get_node("GridContainerColumn" + str(column))
		if grid_container:
			for cell_index in range(9):
				var cell = grid_container.get_child(cell_index)
				if cell:
					cell.modulate = color

func _on_background_color_option_toggled(toggled_on: bool) -> void:
	$BackgroundColor.visible = toggled_on

func _on_background_color_changed(color: Color) -> void:
	save_grid_color("background_color", color)

func update_background_color(color: Color) -> void:
	var backgrounds = [$Background1, $Background2, $Background3, $Background4]
	for bg in backgrounds:
		bg.color = color

Any help would be very much appreciated, let me know if you need anything specific, thank you, have a great day! :slight_smile:

UPDATE: After looking for a little while, I still cannot find the possible issue… :thinking: