Communication by Godot network other program

Godot Version



Hello team, I am looking for a way to communicate with programs outside Godot and that will be on the same machine, the programs will be developed in C/C++, the goal is to be able to do heavy calculations outside Godot, I tried the modules (it’s great!) but it’s not made to make adjustments often.

I think that network communication is a good idea, there are a lot of different protocols and I don’t know where to start, or I don’t understand!, the CAN bus and the rs232 are ok for me, but there …

Is it possible to have a simple example to send and receive text. I should be able to manage the C/C++ part from the Godot example and post it here,

Thank you,
Have a nice day

Use an OS supported IPC method that will be local, any other protocol you have mentioned is really for external communication.

I would probably target sockets as they should be supported on all major platforms. Maybe a shared memory bus, or memory map file.

Otherwise some standard IP network protocol for external processing. CAN and RS232 will be to slow for large datasets.

There is absolutely no need to use any existing protocol. Make one that suits your needs.

I gather from your posting that you have not done any network programming before. If you haven’t, then there are tons of tutorials on the web. Give yourself a couple weeks or more (depending on how much time you can put into it) to get familiar with it in C or C++, and then the Godot end will become almost self-evident.

Thanks for your answer, I think indeed that there are no miracle solutions.
I will build a module to link DLLs and a shared library

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/* librarian.cpp */

#include "librarian.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void Librarian::Close() {

String Librarian::Get_library_path(String path) {
	String retour;
	String error;
	//	Convertion String en char
	char Nom_de_la_lib[path.length() + 1];
	for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); ++i) { // Copie chaque caractère du string original dans le tableau de char
		Nom_de_la_lib[i] = path[i];
	Nom_de_la_lib[path.length()] = '\0'; //	Ajout du caractere final		//

	// Vérifie si le fichier existe et est accessible
	if (access(Nom_de_la_lib, F_OK) == 0) {
		handle = dlopen(Nom_de_la_lib, RTLD_LAZY);

		if (!handle) // Verifie si le handle est OK
			error = dlerror();
			retour = "Le fichier existe MAIS le handle est pas bon : " + error;
		} else {
			retour = "Le fichier existe et le handle est OK :";

	} else {
		retour = "Le fichier suivant n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible: " + path;

	return retour;

int32_t Librarian::Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int_Int(String Name_Function, int32_t Int_one, int32_t Int_tow) { // Récupérer l'adresse de la fonction add

	char NomFonction[Name_Function.length() + 1];
	// Cette boucle copie chaque caractère du string original dans le tableau de caractères C++
	for (int i = 0; i < Name_Function.length(); ++i) {
		NomFonction[i] = Name_Function[i];
	NomFonction[Name_Function.length()] = '\0'; //		Ajout du caractere final

	typedef int (*MyFunctionType)(int, int);
	MyFunctionType fonction = reinterpret_cast<MyFunctionType>(dlsym(handle, NomFonction));

	if (!fonction) {
		std::cerr << "Erreur lors de la résolution de la fonction" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	int32_t result = fonction(Int_one, Int_tow);

	return result;

int32_t Librarian::Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int(String Name_Function, int32_t Int_one) {

	char NomFonction[Name_Function.length() + 1];
	// Cette boucle copie chaque caractère du string original dans le tableau de caractères C++
	for (int i = 0; i < Name_Function.length(); ++i) {
		NomFonction[i] = Name_Function[i];
	NomFonction[Name_Function.length()] = '\0'; //		Ajout du caractere final

	typedef int (*MyFunctionType)(int);
	MyFunctionType fonction = reinterpret_cast<MyFunctionType>(dlsym(handle, NomFonction));

	if (!fonction) {
		std::cerr << "Erreur lors de la résolution de la fonction" << std::endl;
		return 1;

	int32_t result = (fonction)(Int_one);
	return result;

String Librarian::Return_Str_NameFunction_Arguments(String Name_Function) { // Récupérer l'adresse de la fonction add
	String Sortie;

	char NomFonction[Name_Function.length() + 1];
	// Cette boucle copie chaque caractère du string original dans le tableau de caractères C++
	for (int i = 0; i < Name_Function.length(); ++i) {
		NomFonction[i] = Name_Function[i];
	NomFonction[Name_Function.length()] = '\0'; //		Ajout du caractere final

	typedef char *(*MyFunctionType)();
	MyFunctionType fonction = reinterpret_cast<MyFunctionType>(dlsym(handle, NomFonction));
	String result;
	if (!fonction) {
		String error = dlerror();
		Sortie = "c'est pas OK" + error;

	char *resultat = fonction();

	Sortie = resultat;
	return Sortie;

String Librarian::Help(String Name_Function) {
	char NomFonction[Name_Function.length() + 1];
	// Cette boucle copie chaque caractère du string original dans le tableau de caractères C++
	for (int i = 0; i < Name_Function.length(); ++i) {
		NomFonction[i] = Name_Function[i];
	NomFonction[Name_Function.length()] = '\0'; //		Ajout du caractere final


void Librarian::_bind_methods() {
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Get_library_path"), &Librarian::Get_library_path);
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Close"), &Librarian::Close);
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Help"), &Librarian::Help);
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int_Int","int" , "int"), &Librarian::Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int_Int);
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int","int"), &Librarian::Return_Int_NameFunction_Arguments_Int);
	ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("Return_Str_NameFunction_Arguments"), &Librarian::Return_Str_NameFunction_Arguments);

```Hello, my first working draft for those interested.