Crates not falling correctly

Hi, I used this tutorial, and it works for the most past, unfortunately, the crate jitters quite violently once it reaches the correct location. Here’s the current code snippet of code:

func _physics_process(delta):
	if is_held == true:
		global_rotation.x = 0
		global_rotation.z = 0
		if global_position.distance_to(player.carry_point.global_position) > 0.1 and global_position.distance_to(player.carry_point.global_position) < 1:
			linear_velocity = ((player.carry_point.global_position - global_position).normalized()) * 10

		elif global_position.distance_to(player.carry_point.global_position) >= 1:
			is_held = false

And here’s a video showing what’s happening:

Thanks for your help!