Create a new Shape2D class with error in function collide

Godot Version



I want to know why this code gives an error. Why is it not possible for me to extend a Shape2D using a Collide2D? I’m creating a grid of StaticBody, however, creating several StaticBody and adding weights can be heavy. So, I created just one, which contains several CollisionShape. However, creating several CollisionShapes and adding them as children also weighs. So, the solution would be a Shape2D that I can add squares to at runtime. However, I can’t create a new Shape2D class.

class_name NewShape2D;
extends Shape2D;

func collide(location:Transform2D, other:Shape2D, other_location:Transform2D) -> bool:
	return true;

It’s not possible to implement custom Shape2Ds as they are just an abstraction over the PhysicsServer2D multiple shape functions. If you want to create a grid of RectangleShape2D at runtime then do it by creating them and adding CollisionShape2D nodes to the body like:

extends StaticBody2D

@export var rows := 5
@export var cols := 5
@export var cell_size := Vector2(16, 16)

func _ready() -> void:
	for col in rows:
		for row in cols:
			var shape =
			shape.size = cell_size
			var collision_shape =
			collision_shape.shape = shape
			collision_shape.position = cell_size * Vector2(col, row)