Create nodes from scripts and exporting extends node variable

There is a way to create node from the script in the scene. If no how to make the all values inside extands classes in gd script can be visible in editor inspector ?

I think I know what you mean.

Question 1

If you want to create a node via script, and add it to the node tree, here’s how you do that in GDScript:

# Instantiate a new node of type Node
var node =
# Add the node to the scene tree

Question 2

To expose your variables inside the inspector, you can make use of the @export keyword. Here’s an example:

@export var yourVariableName
@export var yourOtherVariable

Do note that you have to build the project (the little hammer icon in the top right) before you will see them in the inspector.

Here’s the resources on Godot Docs for the aforementioned subject: