`I’ve decided to learn programming and the only way I can think of to make me actually stick to it is to make a video game as I’ve been wanting to learn to do that for a while.
Given that I’ve not been able to stick to any course I’ve started so far, I am hoping creating a video game will be interesting enough for me to not simply bail on it.
My understanding in programming is rather rudimentary. I’ve been writing Powershell and Bash scripts for network devices in a world which is not ready for spread usage of actual tools to do so. I understand variables, arrays, loops, if statements, and other basic stuff but not much more than that.
I’ve been trying to follow guides online for making a 2D game in Godot but all guides are about platformers for some reason and the only script template in Godot itself is also for a 2D platformer character.
I am looking to make a puzzle game where using various shapes the player will need to reach certain nodes in a map, and that’s where my very first hurdle is… How do I make a level map? Most guides I see online just tell me to use tile sets and create a tile map. But I don’t think that this is the right way for me as I want a static level that I can draw not tile by tile but rather as a while and it will be visible in it’s entirety to the player on level startup. Then the player will need to use certain shapes (Of which there’s a limited amount) to encompass all the various nodes on the level (Which will turn active when they are within a shape).
I’ve managed to follow the tutorial in the aspect of creating the various scenes for the nodes and the various shapes I want (They are not shapes yet… They are single points which are meant to radiate a shape which will react to the bounderies of the level) but I would like suggestions on how to creat the level itself first.
I can worry about the shapes and their interaction with the level bounderies later. But just as an example - In a large rectangle (Level 1) there’s a single dot, and the player has a single “Shape” which is a circle. The player chooses a circle and places it’s centre on the level map. The circle starting point then radiates the circle out which is meant to be interacting with the rectangle boundries (Which will box in the circle and not let it bleed out of the rectangle box).
I don’t think that using a tile map will help me achieve that. So looking for help on how to start pretty much `
so you could just make a scene that is just a Sprite2d add something you draw in inkscape to it and call it level 1. then dragging in the shape scenes you want in that level.
maybe you need some StaticBody2d for walls, or make a scene that is a wall and drag in many of them as needed.
so are you hoping to make like a RigidBody2d candy swing physics simulator like “cut the rope” that uses PhysicalBone2d and DampendSpringJoint2d for rope?.
you might want to look in to the Control and Textured Buttons User interface if you just wanting to keep things organized but don’t need them to interact with each other.
no need to use tile map/layer if that’s not what you need.
More like - On the left there’s going to be a UI with “resources” which is shapes while the level is always visible and you gotta drag the limited number of shapes to encompass all the “Dots” so to speak.
But for example if you imagine the level being a square within a square and you have 2 dots opposite the inner square. And you have to use X amount of circles to hit both while the inner square blocks the circle from phasing through to reach the second dot so you have to use more than 1 circle
Given that the level is obstacles - In the example of a rectangle within a rectangle…
Does it make more sense for them to be 2 separate scenes? As in 2 separate objects for the purpose of colision with the circles? Or a single scene/object and work with colision of the circles that way?
i realize this might not be directly helpful (sorry) but on forums like this you get way better answers if you draw a picture of your game. Even if it’s just pencil on paper. Or is you say “it’s a peggle clone” or “candy crush”. Otherwise we wonder about keyboard movement, drag and drop, detecting collisions, gravity and all sorts of things that might not be relevant to you at all.
Starting a game and starting a tool is hard because you don’t know what too google.
The black rectangles is the “Level” and the red dots is the “Nodes” that need to be included inside the circle while the rectangle “Wall” blocks the circle from passing through