I’m doing web exports of a game prototype just to make sure that it works, but when I do a web export, the custom font I have in my game is replaced with a system default font. How do I make sure the font is included in the game when I export? I have the .ttf and .tres files in the game files, I just can’t figure out how to make it export correctly.
I am assuming you have created DynamicFonts with them and those DynamicFonts are assigned to the appropriate labels or text nodes?
If so, then it may be as simple as this:
[Sorry my last response was outdated]
Make sure you have “Export all resources in the project” selected to make sure the fonts are included within the Export menu, under the “Resources” tab
I just figured it out! I was using a SystemFont instead of a FontFile. Basically, I was telling Godot to look for an installed font on my OS instead of looking for a font file in the game files. That’s why it looked fine in the editor, but broke as soon as I exported it.