Documentation on this appears to be non-existent. I’m not fluent enough in C++ for skimming the Godot source code to be helpful in fully understanding the inner workings of Godot. I’m interested in knowing the correct way to roll your own MultiplayerPeer from scratch, which would include resolving peer IDs, issuing and receiving RPC calls, and everything else needed to communicate with a MultiplayerAPI.
All I could gather is that most communication is done by passing around packets of type uint8_t. But the structure of it and how to construct a packet eludes me. I could probably get by if I knew how to construct these packets. Any help is appreciated.
This is just a guess, i dont know the answer to your question:
I think the point of multiplayer-peer-extension is that you design your own packets, so you decide the structure of the packet
The ones that I were able to find, most of them use Godot’s Enet implementation, which does not require rolling your own MultiplayerPeer to use. While I did find one that implemented their own peer, it basically implemented all the other features by hand, too. They wouldn’t have had to go to such great lengths if there was proper documentation on the way MultiplayerPeer can communicate with MultiplayerAPI.