Different idle animations based on direction

Godot Version



I am very new to coding/game development and have what is probably a very simple question. I want my character to play a different idle animation based on what direction they were last moving. I have walking animations working but I’m struggling with getting the correct idle animation to play.

I will post the script below. I actually know why this script doesn’t work(variable direction is set to “down” by default), I just can’t figure out how to make it work. Your help would be much appreciated!

extends CharacterBody2D

@export var speed = 150

func get_input():
var input_direction = Input.get_vector(“move_left”, “move_right”, “move_up”, “move_down”)

velocity = input_direction * speed

func update_animation():
var is_moving = velocity.length_squared() > 0
var direction = “down”
if is_moving:
if velocity.x < 0: direction = “left”
elif velocity.x > 0: direction = “right”
elif velocity.y > 0: direction = “down”
elif velocity.y < 0: direction = “up”

	$player_sprite.play("walk_" + direction)

	$player_sprite.play("idle_" + direction)

func _physics_process(delta):

just move the var above the func

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Thanks! I can’t believe it was that simple, I have a lot to learn.

Also to make the code a bit cleaner you could use a match here instead of nested ifs.

GDScript reference — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

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