Godot Version
v4.3.beta2.official [b75f0485b]
I made a VBox container and put some buttons in it. In the _ready(): function of the container, I connect some button signals to some functions in the container. So far so good.
But then at one point I’m trying to disconnect all the signals that these children buttons have. First I retrieve all the buttons, then all their signals, and then I go through each signal, get the list of the incoming connections and disconnect them:
func disconnect_all_signals( B : Button ):
var BSL # button signal list
BSL = B.get_signal_list()
# go through all signals
for s in BSL :
# signal's connections list
var SCL
SCL = B.get_signal_connection_list( s.name )
# for each connection
for c in SCL :
c.signal.disconnect( c.callable )
The signals I connected through code (in _ready():
) disconnect without problems using this method, but the problem is that VBox automatically generates some signal connections with children, for example “minimum size changed”.
When I try to disconnect everything from a signal automatically, these generated signals can’t be disconnected short of moving the child out of the parent, so when I try to disconnect everything I get tons of errors in the console like
E 0:00:11:0767 _disconnect: Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent connection from ‘btn_launch:<Button#33118225756>’. Signal: ‘visibility_changed’, callable: ‘Container::_child_minsize_changed’.
How do I skip these “automatically generated” signal connections when disconnecting signals from functions in order to avoid flooding the console with errors?