Godot Version
Can't kill tween after tweening property
I’m using two nodes and two different scripts:
and bullseye.gd
are their names.
Enemy script:
In the enemy script, bullseye is known as target_POINT
I create the tween globally at the top of the script var tween : Tween
and connect some signals in func _ready()
func _ready():
target_POINT = Target_point.instantiate()
and tween the selected property in the function below
func tween_to_Target_point():
is_tweening = true
has_reached_max_height = false
# creates new tween
tween = create_tween().set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE)
#changes the nodes global position to the targets global position
#Shows point node is tweening to
print("point_position is ", target_POINT.global_position)
The issue I’m having is that when I try to kill the tween after timer_two
(Known as TT in the script) times out, its ignores that line and continues tweening whilst permorming all other output actions under the function.
func _on_timer_2_timeout():
is_stunned = true
print("can't follow")
I need some help in trying to figure out exactly how to kill the tween in the enemy script.
Full enemy script below
extends CharacterBody2D
const SPEED = 150
const JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0
signal has_locked_onto_point
signal dont_follow
@onready var attack_collider_left = $"movment colliders/Left_attack_collider"
@onready var attack_collider_right = $"movment colliders/Right_attack_collider"
@onready var collider_left = $"movment colliders/Left_collider"
@onready var collider_right = $"movment colliders/Right_collider"
@onready var timer = $"Timer"
@onready var TT = $"Timer2"
var float_timer = Timer.new()
var start_attack_floating : bool = false
@export var max_height: int
var has_reached_max_height: bool = false
var can_move_on_ground: bool = false
var is_tweening: bool = false
var is_stunned: bool = false
var tween : Tween
@onready var Target_point = preload("res://Scenes/Bullseye.tscn")
var target_POINT = null
@onready var Player = get_node("../Beany")
@onready var trackers = get_node("../Trackers")
@onready var bulls = get_node("../../Bullseye")
# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.
var gravity =100
func _ready():
target_POINT = Target_point.instantiate()
func _physics_process(delta):
#prints targets position
#region Target print
if target_POINT == null: return
var target_pos = to_local(target_POINT.global_position)
print("Target_point Instantiated", target_pos)
# Add the gravity.
#region deals with floor logic
if not is_on_floor() and has_reached_max_height == false:
velocity.y += gravity * delta
if is_on_floor():
can_move_on_ground = true
#shows movement logic
#region Movement logic
if can_move_on_ground == true and collider_right.is_colliding():
position.x += Player.position.x*delta *0.5
is_stunned = false
print("is moving to player")
elif collider_left.is_colliding():
position.x -= Player.position.x*delta *0.5
#print("is moving to player")
if collider_left.is_colliding():
print("player is left")
if collider_right.is_colliding():
print("player is right")
#region Attack logic
if attack_collider_left.is_colliding() and start_attack_floating == false or attack_collider_right.is_colliding() and start_attack_floating == false :
start_attack_floating = true
can_move_on_ground = false
attack_collider_left.enabled = false
attack_collider_right.enabled = false
print("is collidng with attack colliders on floor", attack_collider_left.enabled, attack_collider_right.enabled)
if start_attack_floating == true:
velocity.y += -15
can_move_on_ground = false
print("is moving up and velocity.y == ", velocity.y)
if velocity.y < max_height :
start_attack_floating = false
velocity.y = 0
has_reached_max_height = true
collider_left.enabled = false
collider_right.enabled = false
print("reached max height")
if global_position == target_POINT.global_position:
print("our pos is = ", global_position)
#prints what state the node is in
func bools_statements():
if is_tweening == true:
#turns off floor movement colliders
collider_left.enabled = false
collider_right.enabled = false
print("is tweening")
if is_stunned == true:
velocity.x = 0
func prints_func():
if attack_collider_left.is_colliding() or attack_collider_right.is_colliding() :
print("is colliding with attack colliders, but isn't on the floor")
else :
print("is not collidng with attack colliders")
func tween_to_Target_point():
is_tweening = true
has_reached_max_height = false
# creates new tween
tween = create_tween().set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE)
#changes the nodes global position to the targets global position
#Shows point node is tweening to
print("point_position is ", target_POINT.global_position)
#setting timer varibles
func states():
if can_move_on_ground == true:
print("In ground state")
elif can_move_on_ground == false:
print("Not in ground state")
if start_attack_floating == true:
print("In homing state")
elif start_attack_floating == false:
print("Not in homing state")
if has_reached_max_height == true:
print("In air waiting state")
elif has_reached_max_height == false:
print("Not in air waiting state")
if is_tweening == true:
print("In attacking state")
elif is_tweening == false:
print("Not in attacking state")
if is_stunned == true:
print("In stunned state")
elif is_stunned == false:
print("not in stunned state")
print("in no state")
func _on_timer_timeout():
print("timer timed out")
func _on_timer_2_timeout():
is_stunned = true
print("can't follow")
func start_third_timer():
is_tweening = false
print("reset timer has ended")
func _on_timer_3_timeout():
print("timer three has timed out")
can_move_on_ground = true
is_stunned = false
collider_left.enabled = true
collider_right.enabled = true
attack_collider_left.enabled = true
attack_collider_right.enabled = true
has_reached_max_height = false
start_attack_floating = false
bullseye script below
extends Sprite2D
signal stop_looking_at_me
signal look_at_me
signal reset
signal leaving_scene
@onready var player = get_node("../../Beany")
@onready var enemy = get_node("../../Enemy")
@onready var follow_timer = $"Timer"
@onready var Leave_scene_T = $"Timer2"
var can_follow: bool = false
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
print("is_following_player", global_position)
self.visible = true
can_follow = true
func _process(_delta):
var dir = Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right")
print("is not following player anymore")
if can_follow == true:
global_position += (player.position-global_position) + (Vector2(30,0)*dir)
else :
global_position += global_position * Vector2.ZERO
print("is not following entity")
func stop_following():
print("no longer following ", global_position)
func cant_follow():
can_follow = false
#self.visible = false