Godot Version
4.3 Stable
Hi all am at the very beginning of Godot and GDScript learning adventure
I’m kind of stuck on drag and drop in Godot for a 2D puzzle game that I’m trying to make
This is the script for the Drag and drop that is connected to the Draggable object Scene
var is_dragging = false #state management
var offset = Vector2(0,0)
func _process(_delta):
if is_dragging:
func followMouse():
position = get_global_mouse_position() + offset
func _on_area_2d_input_event(_viewport, event,_shape_idx):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
if event.pressed:
offset = position - get_global_mouse_position()
is_dragging = true
is_dragging = false
Draggable object Scene is set up as following
–CollisonPolygon2D(I have a script that makes this Collison based on bitmap from the Sprite2D after the object has been instantiated)
In another Scene that is my main scene.
I have a script that instantiates this object with different texture for the sprite and creates the said Collison Polygon depending on the said texture depending on what button at the bottom was pressed.
I have checked and the script does generate the object with correct texture and collision but the drag scrip on those object is present but not working.
if I click on the object it doesn’t change the state to draggable i can change the state via inspector tool and it does indeed move.
Scene that i instantiated the object to is set up as
—UI stuff and the buttons
–Game as (Node2D)
—CollisonShape2D(Rect Shape)(Holder for the draggable objects that get instantiated )
But it seems the object that gets instantiated is not reaction to the mouse clicks.
So I’m not sure where the problem is.
Any advice or link that can point me in the right direction would be appreciated.