Erase not removing item in array that has says exists

Godot Version

v4.2.2.stable.official [15073afe3]


I have a function that removes items in an array. For the most part, when I present a value to the erase function if it is in the array it removes. However when I pass it the name of a node, it doesn’t even though has() says the array has the item

func remove_needed(item):
	print ("erase: " ,item)
	print (needed_inputs.has(item))
	print ( needed_inputs)


erase: Strength
["Archetype", "Strength", "Dexterity", "Aptitude", "Fortitude", "Wits", "Will", "floating"]

It sees the value Strength, but it doesn’t remove it from the array for some reason

It is called in the node’s script by


Any idea why it is not erasing the item, even though the has function says it is in the array?

I don’t know at all. Do you check if input “item” is a string?

Other possible solve, too more efficient, is doing a .find() to return the index, and erase it with .remove_at()

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