Godot Version
I am troubleshooting an error created when I instance a mob. An example of the error message is:
E 0:00:03:0684 cave.gd:20 @ spawn_mob(): In Object of type ‘Node’: Attempt to connect nonexistent signal ‘die’ to callable ‘CharacterBody2D(minion.gd)::die’.
<C++ Error> Condition “!signal_is_valid” is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
<C++ Source> core/object/object.cpp:1344 @ connect()
cave.gd:20 @ spawn_mob()
cave.gd:16 @ _ready()
scene_manager.gd:5 @ _on_screen_fade_transition_transitioned()
screen_fade_transition.tscn::GDScript_lt1ek:15 @ _on_animation_player_animation_finished()
I do not have either a signal named ‘die’ or a callable in the base_enemy class (which every mob type extends from) named ‘die’.
#Cave scene code
extends Node
@onready var viewport_x: float = get_viewport().size.x
@onready var viewport_y: float = get_viewport().size.y
@onready var MobTypes: Dictionary = {
"Minion": preload("res://mobs/minion.tscn"),
"Dash": preload("res://mobs/dash.tscn"),
"Tower": preload("res://mobs/tower.tscn"),
"Landmine": preload("res://mobs/landmine.tscn"),
"Shield": preload("res://mobs/shield.tscn"),
"Split": preload("res://mobs/split.tscn")
var level: int
func _ready():
for i in range(30):
spawn_mob(MobTypes.values()[randi() % MobTypes.size()], Vector2(randi_range(200, 800), randi_range(200, 800))) #random mob
func spawn_mob(type: PackedScene, spawn_position: Vector2) -> void:
var mob = type.instantiate()
mob.position = spawn_position
spawn_position = mob.get_global_position()
#Attributes below are used in its wander state
mob.spawn_position = spawn_position
mob.chosen_position = spawn_position
mob.starting_position = spawn_position
#has a bunch of variables for speed, damage, attack range, etc.
func get_ready() -> void:
player = get_parent().get_node("Player")
var health_bar: Node = get_parent().get_node("MobHealthBar")
%HitBox.scale = Vector2(attack_range, attack_range)
%AggroRange.scale = Vector2(aggro_range, aggro_range)
func died() -> void:
#Minion class
extends BaseEnemy
func _ready():
As far as I can tell, this is the only relevant code. I used to have a signal and function named ‘die’, but I changed the names when trying to fix the error. Now that all the names have been changed, it still tries to connect a signal named ‘die’ to a function ‘die’, both of which do not exist.