Error: Node not found

Godot Version

Godot Engine (2)


I don’t know what i must fix.

It does say “score” not found, I suppose score is in another scene object, thus you cannot update the value from current place, as there is no reference to that object, try to check the path to that particular node if it is correct

or if score is attached to something else. the right thing to do would be to do examplenode/text or examplenode/examplenode2/text

I did like in the picture but it doesn’t work.

In the scene there is no node called “score”

Can you give me a solution please?

Add label to the control node and name it “score”

In your scene, there’s no node named score in child nodes of the root node.


  • Try to add a node named score as the child of the root node.
  • Create a node named score and add it to the root node by code.

Other you need to notice:

  • Make sure the node you added has a property named text.
  • The node you need to add maybe is a Label or RichTextLabel.

Thanks for the solution.