Error using @export and var name: bool = false in GDScript when creating the door mechanics in the game

Godot Version

4.3 Stable


Hi. I am creating a game and within this game there is a door mechanic, the point is that the door closes automatically after some time after the player has left the door area. To do this, I used Area3D to track when the player leaves the zone. After leaving, you can start the timer to close automatically.
I think I did everything right. However, for some reason gdscript thinks that using @export, var name: bool = false is an error. I don’t understand what happened here…

Line 8:Unexpected" Identifier " in class body.

extends Node3D

@export var close_delay: float = 2.0
@export var open_angle: float = 90.0
@export var open_speed: float = 2.0

var is_open: bool = false
var player_in_area = false

onready var hinge_joint: HingeJoint3D = $HingeJoint3D

func _ready() -> void:
	hinge_joint.target_rotation = 0.0
	hinge_joint.motor_enabled = true

func _on_TriggerArea_body_entered(body):
	if == "Player": 
		player_in_area = true
		is_open = true

func _on_TriggerArea_body_exited(body):
	if == "Player":
		player_in_area = false
		await get_tree().create_timer(close_delay).timeout
		if not player_in_area: 
			is_open = false

func open_door():
	hinge_joint.target_rotation = deg_to_rad(open_angle)  # Переводим угол в радианы

func close_door():
	hinge_joint.target_rotation = 0.0  # Возвращаем дверь в начальное положение

func animate_door():
	while hinge_joint.joint_rotation < hinge_joint.target_rotation - 0.01 or hinge_joint.joint_rotation > hinge_joint.target_rotation + 0.01:
		var difference = hinge_joint.target_rotation - hinge_joint.joint_rotation
		hinge_joint.motor_velocity = sign(difference) * open_speed 
		await get_tree().process_frame
	hinge_joint.motor_velocity = 0.0  

Door Hierarchy

Shouldn’t that be:

@onready var hinge_joint: HingeJoint3D = $HingeJoint3D


omg. I really made such a stupid mistake.
The Godot compiler pointed to another line of code and I got confused. Thanks!

All good, we all make them…
