Exporting HTML5 Project with Web RTC Extension

Godot Version

Godot 4.3


I am having some issues exporting my Godot project to the web. Project is publicly available via my GitLab instance.

I am creating a project that uses web rtc as a client. After getting RTC to work properly from the editor builds. I want to try to upload my HTML page to my website to test it out there. But my editor throws this error in response.

Here are my build settings:

I tried publishing the output anyways, and I get these unhelpful messages when looking at the devtools (firefox).

I’ve read through the webrtc Native instructions, and used the binaries compiled for me.

I place these files in the addons/webrtc folder. And it runs from the editor just fine.

Am I missing some important step? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I haven’t managed to get an HTML5 project working with RTC yet, but I do know:

  • You only need the webRTC extension when running on non-web platforms - you should exclude that folder it from your HTML5 export.
  • You’ll need to use wss not ws when running on the web.

BTW if you get RTC running on a HTML5 export, please do let me know!

Thank you! That seemed to do the trick.

In retrospect, it make sense that web browsers would support WebRTC without needing an external library.

Have I gotten it to work yet? - No, I’ll keep you posted. I’m now getting RTC specific errors. (I think) Which is a step in the right direction.

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