Fix for small scale joints?

Godot v4.3

So far, I couldn’t get joints to work properly at a small scale. For example, a RigidBody3D gets connected to another PhysicsBody3D using any joint. When the PhysicsBody3D gets moved, the connected RigidBody3D trails behind. The amount it trails behind is independent of its mass and of the size of its CollisionShape3Ds.

While this is hardly noticeable if the bodies are several meters large, it doesn’t work nearly well enough for objects that or only 10 cm or 1 cm in size.

This is true for both GodotPhysics3D and Jolt.

Is there any way to fix this besides changing the scale of the entire scene?

Illustrating video: Dropbox

Minimal project: Dropbox

If I scale everything up, including the movement, the result looks roughly like at the lower scale.

Video of the issue in my application: Dropbox