Fixing broken OBJ dependencies

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.mono.official [77dcf97d8]


I needed to reorganize my file structure, and for the most part Godot made fixing the broken dependencies easy, but I’m having trouble getting my 3D models their textures back. Here’s what I’ve gotten so far:

  1. I open the project from the Godot launcher and load the main scene. It gives a bunch of similar errors, so I’ll just share the first one:
Scene 'res://Models/Overworld/Wall Front.obj' has broken dependencies:
  1. I close the popup and right-click Wall Front.obj in the FileSystem, then select Edit Dependencies.
  2. I click the folder icon on the same row as Wall.png and its old path, then navigate to its new location: Textures/Overworld/Wall.png, and open it.

Nothing happens after that. The editor doesn’t give any feedback. It does complain if I try to fix the dependency while a scene using it is open in the editor. That doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Does anyone know a way to fix this other then re-exporting all my OBJ models from Blender?

The issue is it just not being responsive. I had the same confusion recently. Its fixing the dependency when you are Changing to the new location. You just have to correct them all. Then close the box. And the Dependency should be fixed.

I changed them all and it got rid of the error on launch, but the textures still don’t appear in the editor or when I launch the scene. Is that something I need to fix in the files themselves?

I figured this one out: I needed to go into each MTL file and correct the address of the texture files (line 12 for the ones with only one). After that, Right Click > Reimport in Godot fixed it.