So I’ve been working on making my player sprite play the animation that faces the mouse position. I’ve been able to do so. However I don’t have an attack animation for the left attack. I was thinking of something like flipping the sprite for only that animation and flip all the frames of the animtion. However I don’t know how to do so.
extends CharacterBody2D
var attacking: bool = false
func _ready():
func _physics_process(delta):
var direction = Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_up", "move_down")
if attacking:
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
velocity = direction * 400
if not attacking:
if velocity.length() > 0.0:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack") and not attacking:
attacking = true
func handle_attack_animation():
var mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position()
var vector_to_mouse = (mouse_position - global_position).normalized()
var angle_to_mouse = vector_to_mouse.angle() # Angle in radians
# Convert angle to degrees for easier comparisons
var angle_in_degrees = rad_to_deg(angle_to_mouse)
# Adjust for top-down orientation (0 degrees = up)
if angle_in_degrees < 0:
angle_in_degrees += 360
# Determine animation based on the angle
if angle_in_degrees >= 315 or angle_in_degrees < 45:
%Bluwee.play_attack() # Mouse is above the player
elif angle_in_degrees >= 45 and angle_in_degrees < 135:
%Bluwee.play_down_attack() # Mouse is to the right of the player
elif angle_in_degrees >= 225 and angle_in_degrees < 315:
%Bluwee.play_up_attack() # Mouse is below the player
elif angle_in_degrees >= 135 and angle_in_degrees < 225:
%Bluwee.play_attack() # Placeholder for left attacks if needed
func _on_animation_finished(animation: String):
# Reset attacking flag when the attack animation is done
if animation in ["right_attack", "back_attack", "front_attack"]:
attacking = false
extends Node2D
func play_idle():"idle")
func stop_idle():
func play_run():"run")
func play_attack():"right_attack")
func play_up_attack():"back_attack")
func play_down_attack():"front_attack")