Frame ruining in-between animations in Godot 4 | Animations issue | HELP

Godot Version

4.2.1 Stable


Hello ! I’m developping an app on Godot 4 and I’m on the end of it, doing the UI. But here’s my issue, I have animations to switch between scenes, each time I change scene there’s a horrible frame that appears and ruins the transition.
Do you have any idea or needs to solve my problem ?
Every kind of help is welcome !

Here’s the video :

Thanks a lot !

call the back button only once after the next ui is done…

it looks like it’s called 2x

and it would probably be good to show how your ui is designed, how it works… this way we just see the jerk and from that we don’t really know where the problem might be

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Here you are, I made a little video to show you. Sorry for quality !
And how do you call after the UI is done ?

the problem is that one animation starts and the other doesn’t finish… you can create a signal for animationplayer, but it’s probably better to make a Call Method Track for each animation

and at the end of the animation you add a function from the script you want to call and there you will have the start call for the animation you need

or you can experiment directly with the methods provided by AnimationPlayer

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