G-Pong a Pong clone made with Godot 4

As I have already specified in the title, I have made a Pong clone using Godot (version 4.2.2) simply for learning how the engine works.

The game has the following features:

  • 2 play modes:
    1. Player vs Player
    2. Player vs A.I
  • A series of options that can be configured:
    • Maximum score for achieve victory (set to 10 as default value).
    • Three difficulties to play against the A.I.
    • Enable or disable the sound effects.
    • Change the color of the paddles, ball, background and field separator.

The source code is also available

Just to let you know, although I have updated the game recently I don’t have intentions to add new features because I want to learn the engine by making other games, even if are clones of already existing games.

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