[GDExtension] Adding array of resources as properties

Godot Version



Hey guys, new here!
I’m having trouble understanding how am i supposed to expose an array of resources (or for what matters an array of Ref wrapped RefCounted instances) in GDExtension.

Here is an (non-working) example of how I would do it:

namespace godot {

class ImageCollection : public Resource {
    GDCLASS(ImageCollection, Resource)

    Vector<Ref<Image>> m_images;

    void set_images(const Vector<Ref<Image>>& p_images)
        m_images = p_images;

    Vector<Ref<Image>> get_images() const
        return m_images;

    static void _bind_methods()
        ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_images", "images"), &ImageCollection::set_images);
        ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_images"), &ImageCollection::get_images);
            PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "images", PROPERTY_HINT_ARRAY_TYPE, "Image"), //
            "set_images", //
            "get_images"); //


I tried to use both TypedArray<Ref> and Vector<Ref> but the compiler didn’t like any of them. I also tried TypedArray and Vector to no avail.

Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you! :smile:

Hey man I’m struggle-bussing my way through some GDExtension stuff too - this thread here has lots of good info, maybe it would help you


also the Terrain3D project is up on github and a great example of a GDExtension that has a resource it defines that uses an array of images (or textures, anyways). Maybe check that out too.

So… I’ve been experimenting a bit and i finally figured it out.
Here is how to expose and array of Ref<WhateverRefCounted> as a property of a node/resource.

namespace godot {


class ImageCollection : public Resource {

    GDCLASS(ImageCollection, Resource)

    TypedArray<Ref<Image>> m_images;

    void set_images(TypedArray<Ref<Image>> p_images)
        m_images = p_images;

    TypedArray<Ref<Image>> get_images() const
        return m_images;

    static void _bind_methods()
        ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_images", "images"), &ImageCollection::set_images);
        ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_images"), &ImageCollection::get_images);
                String::num(Variant::OBJECT) + "/" + String::num(PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) + "Image"

  1. Use the MAKE_TYPED_ARRAY and MAKE_TYPED_ARRAY_INFO macros with your Ref<Whatever> as first parameter and Variant::OBJECT for the second parameter. To avoid re-declarations I suggest doing this in a separate file since this macros declare new types.
  2. Use TypedArrays (not Vector like i did in my first example).
  3. Do not pass values to the setters by reference, only by value.
  4. When binding your property, in the PropertyInfo use PROPERTY_HINT_TYPE_STRING as property hint and for the hint string pass String::num(Variant::OBJECT) + "/" + String::num(PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) + "Image" with the intended resource type instead of “Image” (source: this post)

I tested this a lil bit and it seems to function as it should, I hope your PC doesn’t explode because of me.
I hope to have been helpfull.

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