Get project folder filepath on android

I am making an app where you can upload and display your own images for my phone, but I’m having trouble getting imported images to show up runtime.

If I use ResourceLoader.load("res://Games/" + other_stuff_ + "/progress.png") I need to have an .import file, which does not get made runtime, so I cannot use that method to display images I’ve saved into the folder myself runtime.

using image.load("res://Games/" + other_stuff_ + "/progress.png") to load images also doesn’t work, since loading from the res won’t work on export.

I have the method of image.load("filepath/Games/" + other_stuff_ + "/progress.png") which does not give me warnings and works in the editor, but I don’t know how to get the filepath to the folder where /Games/ is located on android.

Is this reachable after an export, if so where is this located, or how can I find it.

Alternatively, can I make a new directory on my phone within the code where I can store these Images outside of the project? And if so, what filepath should I use for that so I save it in a correct location?

I’m using Android and have the AndroidGatImage plugin, so I should have access to the filesystem.

This is the code I have currently this

var image =		
var platform = OS.get_name()
	if(platform == "Windows"):
		image.load(filepath + "/Games/" + other_stuff + "/progress.png")
	elif(platform == "Android"):
		filepath = "method to get filepath to res, or get from new directory, should go here"