Get_properties_list doesnt() doesn't return variables in script

Godot Version



I have a class called World that inherits Node in C++ and in my _ready() I print the properties of both the attached script and the class itself as follows:

void World::_ready() {

    Ref<Script> script = get_script();
    if(script.is_valid() && script->is_class("GDScript")) {

        UtilityFunctions::print("Printing GDScript properties");
        TypedArray<Dictionary> script_properties = script->get_property_list();
        for(int i = 0; i < script_properties.size(); i++) {
            Dictionary prop = static_cast<Dictionary>(script_properties[i]);
            UtilityFunctions::print("Name: ",  prop["name"],
                                          ", Type: ",  prop["type"],
                                          ", Usage: ", prop["usage"]);

        UtilityFunctions::print("\nPrinting C++ class properties");
        TypedArray<Dictionary> class_properties = get_property_list();
        for(int i = 0; i < class_properties.size(); i++) {
            Dictionary prop = static_cast<Dictionary>(class_properties[i]);
            UtilityFunctions::print("Name: ",  prop["name"],
                                          ", Type: ",  prop["type"],
                                          ", Usage: ", prop["usage"]);


In Godot, I then instiate the World class and attach the following script:

class_name test_script extends World

var field_1: int
var field_2: float

To my knowledge, when I load my scene with the World node in it it should print out all the properties of the script and the class, including the two in my script which also should have the PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE usage flag which IIRC is 4096.
But when inspecting the contents of the console output none of the flags or names match up with the two variables in the script.
Console output:

Printing GDScript properties
Name: RefCounted, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: Resource, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: Resource, Type: 0, Usage: 64
Name: resource_local_to_scene, Type: 1, Usage: 6
Name: resource_path, Type: 4, Usage: 4
Name: resource_name, Type: 4, Usage: 6
Name: resource_scene_unique_id, Type: 4, Usage: 0
Name: Script, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: source_code, Type: 4, Usage: 0
Name: GDScript, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: script/source, Type: 4, Usage: 10

Printing C++ class properties
Name: World, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: Node, Type: 0, Usage: 128
Name: _import_path, Type: 22, Usage: 10
Name: name, Type: 21, Usage: 0
Name: unique_name_in_owner, Type: 1, Usage: 2
Name: scene_file_path, Type: 4, Usage: 0
Name: owner, Type: 24, Usage: 0
Name: multiplayer, Type: 24, Usage: 0
Name: Process, Type: 0, Usage: 64
Name: process_mode, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: process_priority, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: process_physics_priority, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: Thread Group, Type: 0, Usage: 256
Name: process_thread_group, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: process_thread_group_order, Type: 2, Usage: 0
Name: process_thread_messages, Type: 2, Usage: 0
Name: Physics Interpolation, Type: 0, Usage: 64
Name: physics_interpolation_mode, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: Auto Translate, Type: 0, Usage: 64
Name: auto_translate_mode, Type: 2, Usage: 6
Name: Editor Description, Type: 0, Usage: 64
Name: editor_description, Type: 4, Usage: 6
Name: script, Type: 24, Usage: 1048582
Name:, Type: 0, Usage: 128

Anyone know where I am going wrong?

I have done some more testing, and if in the gdscript itself I print out the properties I get the values that one would expect.


class_name test_script extends World

var field_1: int
var field_2: float

func _ready():
	for prop in get_property_list():
		if prop["usage"] & PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE != 0:


{ "name": "field_1", "class_name": &"", "type": 2, "hint": 0, "hint_string": "", "usage": 4096 }
{ "name": "field_2", "class_name": &"", "type": 3, "hint": 0, "hint_string": "", "usage": 4096 }

So the reason this wasn’t working was because the output is from the start up print when the scene is first loaded in the editor. As a result the script print will print the properties of the script resource itself. And the c++ class print didn’t have the script variables because it wasn’t actually running yet.

By changing the script to a @tool fixes the issue

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