Godot Version
Hi! I finished a really REALLY small demo of my game. It still has some bugs but the most annoying one is that the release version crashes when the game ends and you want to either quit or go to the main menu. Then it just closes.
This, however, does NOT happen in either a Debug version or in the Godot editor.It ONLY happens in the release version which is for Windows 10 32 and 64 bits. I used both the PCK file build and the embedded PCK build. Both show the same result.
I still don’t know how to paste code correctly here but I would like to show you the code I use to change the scenes.
extends Control
@onready var main_menu_ref: PackedScene = load(“res://MainMenu/MainMenu.tscn”)
func _on_main_menu_pressed():
func _on_quit_pressed():
I don’t know where else to look or what to do, could it be that I need some sort of manager or something?