Godot portfolio project

Hello! :v:t3: My name is Ilyuha and I develop games on Godot, and I want to present to you my another project on it:

This is a simple platformer whose code can be checked on it GitHub page: GitHub - xolatgames/Godot-portfolio-project: A simple 3D platformer

And I also want to show you my website which have a lot of my games :video_game: , and not just this: https://xolatgames.ru/ (it has an English version also!)

If you have interest for everything of it, here’s my contacts:

I live in Russia, Rostov-on-Don :ru: :bear: :accordion: :nesting_dolls:

So, I will awaiting for some reply :nerd_face: !

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Hello, I just want to let you know that your website is login protected.
No one will be able to see it.

Fix it! :+1:t3: