Godot project structure

Godot Version



Hello, I recently started taking game development more seriously and I’m wondering about which approach to take to structure my game:

  1. Should I try to organize the my games folders and files by myself(scenes/scripts/assets/helpers) and create my own architecture
  2. Look for pre-defined template on the internet

I would like to hear your opinions about this.

No, you can create your own project structure as you want. But keep it so that would readable for you.

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Well, it’s all a preference. If you have no idea where to start, you can try to find some templates. You’ll end up with your own style anyway.
I like the approach DevDuck showed in one of his videos and I’ve tried implementing it ever since, maybe it’ll fit you as well:


I keep my project structure in this way, you can do it too:

- Assets
- - Textures
- - - texture_1.png
- World
- - World.tscn
- - World.gd
- Player
- - Player.tscn
- - Player.gd

I like to keep the first letter of each folder to capital, but if you want, you can keep it to lowercase.


I will be sure to watch this.


Separating out scenes/scripts into different structures becomes very confusing with larger projects in my opinion. I do believe separating out assets is very useful however.

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