Godot-screenreader - a screenreader for your Godot Games

A blue raccoon that is the logo of Godot Screenreader with the text "Screenreader" below it

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An in-game screenreader asset for Godot 4.3+ games. Inspired by the work of LightsOutGames and rodolpheh. Add this to your games to make it much easier to implement some low vision accessibility for navigating user interfaces.


  • Converts child Control elements into a format easy to navigate for users with low vision
  • Easy to customize and extend
  • High contrast theme switcher
  • VTT file support and subtitles in VideoStreamPlayer Controls

This asset is early in development, it is missing some features like Braille display support. But its better than nothing.

Note: This is not a screenreader plugin for the Editor, however, this is a goal in the future. If you need some level of editor accessibility, consider LightsOutGames’ godot-accessibility plugin (only works for 3.x).