I am trying to find a way to get a label node to fade in. It has an initial opacity of 100% but I can’t find a way to bring it down using gdscript. I don’t want to use the animation player.
I’m trying to access and alter the alpha value with a script attached to the root node of the scene but find no real way of progressing.
I guess it should be convenient to add some function like if key is pressed, fade out this node, free queue of this node, fade in next node, to get a series of text labels?
Anyone want to share some thoughts?
extends Control
@onready var rich_text_label = $CanvasLayer/RichTextLabel
Thanks a lot! I appreciate you taking the time to help out!
I tried adding the script to the control node (root). I’ve also tried it on the richtextlabel node. In both cases nothing seems to happen. Hmm. I checked if the label is visible by manually increasing the a value and it becomes visible then.
I’m just wondering if there could be any problem, like with which node the script is attached to within the scene? I have changed the node the script extends when I’ve tried it on different nodes by the way.
Never heard about “tween” before, so I will make sure to read up on that as well. Thank you again!
It is attached to the main node of the scene, a control node.
The settings of the richtextlabel node are 100% default settings except text has been added.
I noticed now that if I set opacity to more than 0, it goes down to 0 on load. So it seems to do the right thing but opposite? Going down instead of up
Yes! The only remaining problem is that I want the text to start as fully opaque, fade in when the scene loads and then fade out at the press of any button.
I have been trying to change some values here and there but can’t get it to start fully opaque.
Is it possible to add some if statement to solve the last part?
Maybe something like If Input.is_action_just_pressed(“what do i write here for any button?”) at the start of the fade_out function?
I changed one thing from how you wrote it.
Under _ready, i set rich_text_label.modulate.a to 0 instead of to 1, because when it was set to 1, the text started already faded in.
extends Control
@onready var rich_text_label = $CanvasLayer/RichTextLabel
How about this one?
Instead of declaring an onready variable, I declared the RichTextLabel via unique name to keep the code simple. Also reusable tween variable.
The thing about tweens is that they start automatically after creation and they are also automatically killed upon being finished. No need for cleanup.
extends Control
var ready_to_fade_out: bool = false
var fade_duration: float = 1.0
var fade_tween: Tween
func _ready():
%RichTextLabel.modulate = Color.TRANSPARENT
await get_tree().create_timer(fade_duration).timeout
func _process(_delta):
if ready_to_fade_out and Input.is_anything_pressed():
await get_tree().create_timer(fade_duration).timeout
func fade_in():
if fade_tween: fade_tween.kill()
fade_tween = get_tree().create_tween()
fade_tween.tween_property(%RichTextLabel, “modulate”, Color.WHITE, fade_duration)
fade_tween.finished.connect(func(): ready_to_fade_out = true)
func fade_out():
if fade_tween: fade_tween.kill()
fade_tween = get_tree().create_tween()
fade_tween.tween_property(%RichTextLabel, “modulate”, Color.TRANSPARENT, fade_duration)
fade_tween.finished.connect(func(): ready_to_fade_out = false)
I get an error message for both instances of this line:
fade_tween = get_tree().create_tween()
Value of type “Tween” cannot be assigned to a variable of type “Tweener”.
I’m very sleepy right now but will look closer tomorrow and update how it goes! Thanks a lot for taking the time to help out. I never imagined that a fade in fade out script for text would cause so much trouble! If it weren’t for you helpful forum users, I think I’d have given up on it!
Wonderful, it’s working!
For a moment, I got worried. Oh no. I just learned about tweens, now there are tweeners as well? Where will this end? Haha. Glad it was just a typo.
Thank you for helping out. Really appreciate it!
No biggie and I apologize for potentially confusing you!
Tweens are amazing and your first step into introducing straightforward animation effects. You can always consult the documentation to see what you can do with that.
Be it a simple one-liner create_tween().tween_property(node, "scale", 1.2, 0.5)
or even combining multiple tweens together (for example changing node opacity WHILE it is moving to a location)
Btw, i think you can even remove the get_tree() from your tween creation