Hello, my character doesn't show up when I define his spawn

Godot Version 4.3


When I create a maker2d and connect it to my character node, it doesn’t appear

Do you mean a Marker2D? That node on its own does nothing more than hold a position. If you want to use it as a respawn point, you will have to program that functionality yourself.


When I run it, my object doesn’t appear

The node in the scene tree has a name that starts with a capital letter “J”. The script attempts to find a node that starts with a lower-case “J”. It doesn’t find anything, and that’s why your assert fails.

In general, it’s a good idea to look at what errors are reported. (See the bottom of your screen when running the game.)

  • Where’s the Marker2D placed?
    • If it is out of bound, you will not see it.
  • Is there any code changed the position?
  • Is that player visible?
    • If there’s nothing to show, it will show nothing.
    • I noticed that you haven’t anything visible according the scene tree. Unless you defined _draw or added some visible nodes, it will not show anything to you.