Help with add_child()

Godot Version



I am very new to this engine and programming in general,
I am trying to make so that bullets can fire out indefinitely but my script can only shoot one bullet only
My script:

extends Sprite2D

@onready var n = load(“res://bullet.tscn”).instantiate()

func _ready():

func _physics_process(_delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“ui_mouse”):

you need to create a new instance when you push the button

    var bullet = n.instance() # here you create a new bullet
    # you can now work with bullet  with code as it is a normal object in your level

oh by the way . dont forget to destroy your bullet when its leaves the screen.
There is VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D node for this. (Keyword signals)

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Thanks for the help but, the game keeps crashing(?) Did I do the code right?

extends Sprite2D

@onready var n = load(“res://bullet.tscn”).instantiate()

func _ready():

func _physics_process(_delta):
var bullet = n.instance() # here you create a new bullet
var speed = 100
transform.x += get_parent().transform.x * speed * _delta
transform.y += get_parent().transform.y * speed * _delta
# you can now work with bullet with code as it is a normal object in your level

remove the instatiate from load like

@onready var n = preload(“res://bullet.tscn”)

and here you create a new instance
var bullet = n.instantiate()

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It works! thank you so much

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