Help with block coding plugin

Godot Version


I am new to Godot, programming and block coding.
I’m trying to find documentation on how to get started with block coding.
The plugin has changed so much in half a year that most blocks have been renamed, isn’t in the block coding list anymore or just gotten replaced by other newer blocks since the latest instructions got released.

I therefore have a bit of a hard time following along the guides that I do have discovered cause they are a bit outdated for the latest updates.
I managed to find out how to get the player to move:

Do anyone know any later guides that I can follow about this plugin or do anyone here know how to use the latest update on it?

I want the player to:
-interact with button and trigger button animation states
-walking sounds if the player is moving

Thank you so much for helping me or giving me tips on where to look for information

I know what the concept of block coding is, but it looks like you are using a plugin. It would be helpful if you could provide a link to where you got this plugin.

Having said that, the fact that you’re asking a getting started question would lead me to believe you are going to have lots more questions about this. So I would like to ask how come you want to use block coding? What advantages does this give you? There might be other solutions to the problem you’re trying to solve by using black coding, and telling us more about why block coding is the solution you’ve chosen might result in information about something that is easier in the long run.

I got it from the Godot assetlib. I searched for Block coding and downloaded the plugin.

To answer your second question; I’m not familiar with any coding language and wanted to develop the technical part visually. I have tried to get into the concept of programming and also follow alongs before but I had a hard time understanding it in general. I am more familiar with blender’s nodes and I’ve worked with Unity’s “Bolt” plugin before. Thus far, this visual plugin makes more sense to me.

I absolutely understand now why you went with it. Unfortunately, you’re not likely to find many people here familiar with it.

I did some poking around. In the AssetLib, if you click on the View Files link, it takes you to their GitHub page. From there, I found the company that made the plugin, the Endless OS Foundation.

My recommendation would be to reach out to them and see what resources they offer. Based on the fact that they just released the version you are using in December, it’s possible they are still working on the documentation. Since they look to be a non-profit, I imagine they would be helpful.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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No worries. Thank you so much for helping.

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Good luck!

They gave me some sort of usage documentation so maybe this can explain it a little bit.

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Did that answer your questions?

The documentation helped a bit, but it’s still a bit hard to understand cause it doesn’t have a lot of examples more than “put the block where it’s needed.” I’ve had a lot of trials and errors testing things out, but because Godot’s errors point out the actual programming and not the blocks, it’s kind of hard to understand exactly what went wrong with the block buildup (unless you have programming experience).

Yeah, I took a look at their project, and it looks like a work in progress. You are running into a problem I’ve seen a lot with code wrappers - which is what this is. A code wrapper is another language wrapped around an existing programming language to make it more accessible. Godot actually supports C#, but other languages like Rust have wrappers around GDScript. So this is a visual block wrapper around GDScript. The problem is that the only functionality you can use is the functionality covered by the wrapper. When new code comes out, you have to wait for the wrapper implementor(s) to update the wrapper. What’s even worse is when that wrapper is abandoned. Then you either have to abandon it yourself, or become the new maintainer.

I understand where you’re coming from and why you’re resistant to a non-visual blocks solution. If you haven’t through, I would recommend trying out Godot’s tutorials. They have a 2D Tutorial and a 3D Tutorial, both of which are very easy to follow. GDScript was designed to be easier to use and learn, and specifically to use for game programming.

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