What am I trying to do?
I’m working on a 2D game where I have two types of enemies:
- Enemy Type 1: Moves in a straight line.
- Enemy Type 2: Tracks the player.
My goal is to ensure Enemy Type 2 does not spawn on top of Enemy Type 1 (or other Enemy Type 2 instances).
The enemies are spawned randomly using a SpawnManager. I’ve set up Area2D nodes for both enemies to help detect overlaps.
Node Setup:
Each enemy node has:
- MeshInstance2D
- CollisionShape2D
- Area2D with a CollisionShape2D as a child.
The player node also has an Area2D.
Here’s my original SpawnManager logic for spawning enemies:
func spawn_enemy(enemy_type: String) -> void:
# Only spawn if max hasn't been reached
if enemy_type == "type1" and current_enemies_type1 < max_enemies_type1:
var enemy_instance = enemy_type1_scene.instantiate()
enemy_instance.position = spawn_points[randi() % spawn_points.size()]
current_enemies_type1 += 1
elif enemy_type == "type2" and current_enemies_type2 < max_enemies_type2:
var enemy_instance = enemy_type2_scene.instantiate()
enemy_instance.position = spawn_points[randi() % spawn_points.size()]
current_enemies_type2 += 1
Here’s the original enemy_2 script:
extends CharacterBody2D
@export var speed = 50 # Movement speed
var player = null # Reference to the player node
func _ready() -> void:
player = get_node("/root/world/player")
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if player:
var direction = (player.position - position).normalized()
position += direction * speed * delta
What is the expected result?
I expect Enemy Type 2 to avoid spawning on top of Enemy Type 1.
What is happening instead?
Enemy Type 2 spawns on top of Enemy Type 1
What have I tried so far?
- Used area_entered and area_exited signals to track overlaps, but the results are inconsistent.
- Verified collision layers and masks:
- Enemy Type 1: Collision Layer 1
- Enemy Type 2: Collision Layer 2, Mask detects Layer 1 and Layer 2.
- Adjusted spawn validation to wait for signals (await get_tree().process_frame).
What am I missing here? Is there a better way to ensure proper spacing between enemies during spawning? Any help would be greatly appreciated!