Help with slow rotation instead of instant

Godot Version



Hello there,
So, I fallowed a tutorial on how to make a point and click movement tutorial but I’m hoping to make the turning slower instead of instant, any tips on how i would go about doing that?

any help would be appreciated

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Here is a good tutorial on it

hey, so i did that but i’m getting this error message

any tips on fixing it, i tried looking it up but i didn’t find anything
(same thing if i use global position like the tutorial said

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In that line, just replace target_position.position with target_position

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it semes to have worked for that but now i’m getting a different error

i’m not entirely sure what a null instance is

Replace $Head_v2 with self

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Right! … I didn’t realize he was in the script attached to the node he was trying to mutate.

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it looks like self can’t rotate?

edit: my fault i misplaced a bracket