How can i get the player's last position?

Godot Version



So im trying to make an AI for an Avatar game im making about earthbending, how can i make my animatable body “Rock” move towards the player last position and not stop moving or change directions?

:large_blue_circle: 1 - I created a “Projectile” scene in my game, basically this node move their parent to a direction every frame (i prefer to create a secondary-base scene because if you have multiple projectiles you can prevent repetition)

extends Node3D
class_name Projectile

@export var speed = 100
var direction : Vector3

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
	if direction:
		get_parent().position += direction * delta * speed

:large_blue_circle: 2 - add this node as a child to your “Rock”

:large_blue_circle: 3 - instanciate a Rock in the place you want (when pressing a button, on some event/signal etc) and set the direction to player

@onready var rock = preload("res://path_to_rock.tscn")

func _my_func () :
    var rock = rock.instantiate()
    #start position based on this node position
    rock.position = position
    #start direction based on this node position
	projetil.find_child("Projetil").direction = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position)

Probably you will have to adapt something to your code, but i hope that can help