How can I programmatically fill a GridContainer?

Godot Version



I try to programmatically add a GridContainer to a Node2D:

public override void _EnterTree(){
  var grid = new GridContainer()
  	Position = new Vector2(GetViewportRect().Size.X/2, GetViewportRect().Size.Y/2),
  	Columns = 2,
  for( var i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
  	var container = new Control(){
  		Size = new Vector2(100, 100)
  	container.AddChild(new ColorRect(){
  		Size = new Vector2(100, 100),
  		Color = new Color(i/20f, i/20f, 1)


The result looks like GridControl thinks the first elements are only 1x1 in size:


Containers use their children size flags and minimum size to setup the position and size.

Setting a Control.size value is not setting its minimum size. Containers will override this value when sorting their children.

To set a minimum size you need to change the Control.custom_minimum_size property to your desired minimum size.

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Perfect and easy solution, I added a CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(100, 100) below the Size assignment in the contorl node.