How can I tile textures and rotate them randomly in multiples of 90? (Godot 4)

Godot Version



There’s information on how to do this in Godot 3, but not that many for Godot 4. I tried creating a shader myself but nothing seems to work.

This godot 3 plugin shows kind of what I want to do.

Coming from a tiled texture, I’d like to rotate the UVs around so they feel more natural. This video explains well how to do this in Godot 4.

The issue is, I want the rotation to be in multiples of 90. And by that I mean something like this:

Is this even possible?

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godot has alternate tile sets. an alternate tile is a modified version of an original tile.

below is a note from the documentation:

Godot 4.0 has moved several per-tile properties, such as tile rotation, from TileMap to TileSet. Individual tiles can no longer be rotated while in the TileMap editor. Instead, the TileSet editor must be used to create alternative rotated tiles. This change allows for greater design consistency, as not every tile needs to be rotated or flipped within a TileSet.

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If you need meshes and can’t use TileMaps, then this works

It could be way better, and you may have to change some constants to make it work

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