How to acces instance root

Godot Version



i want to acces a property of my characters “root” node (not really the root just the normal “CharacterBody3D” node) from a node futher down the tree how do i do that without going over getParent().getPatrent.getParent … also because may change the hierarchy later how can i do that ?

I think unique names should do what you want.


No matter where in the scenes tree, via code you can always grab the object

for some reason i cant give the root node a %name

Another idea is to use owner.

Owner will be the scene instance root. It will only be set for node’s that were packed with that scene root.


Can you though if you right click on a child node?

@indicainkwell has the best answer

@export var root: CharacterBody3D

Then in the inspector select your character node.

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