How to add grass onto 2d procedurally generated dirt in side scroller game

Hello guys,
I need help in adding 2D grass texture on top of my procedurally generated 2D dirt in my side scroller game. The terrain is similar to Hill climb racing, except I cannot figure out how to add grass on top of it.

The video I used to create this 2D generated terrain is:

extends Node2D

@export var num_hills = 2.0
@export var slice = 10
@export var hill_range = 700

var screensize
var terrain = Array()
var texture = preload("res://assets/Images/Terrain/DirtBG.png")

func _ready():
	screensize = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
	terrain = Array()
	var start_y = -100
	#screensize.y * 3/4 + (-hill_range + randi() % hill_range*2)
	terrain.append(Vector2(0, 0))
func _process(delta):
	if terrain[-1].x < $Player.position.x + screensize.x / 0.1:
func add_hills():
	var hill_width = screensize.x / (num_hills/10)
	var hill_slices = hill_width / slice
	var start = terrain[-1]
	var poly = PackedVector2Array()
	for i in range(num_hills):
		var height = randi() % hill_range
		start.y -= height 
		for j in range(0, hill_slices):
			var hill_point = Vector2()
			hill_point.x = start.x + j * slice + hill_width * i
			hill_point.y = start.y + height * cos(2 * PI / hill_slices * j)
		start.y += height 
	var shape =
	var ground =

	poly.append(Vector2(terrain[-1].x, screensize.y))
	poly.append(Vector2(start.x, screensize.y))
	shape.polygon = poly
	ground.polygon = poly
	ground.texture = texture

This is currently what my terrain looks like:

Can anyone help me please?
Thank you for your time :smiley: