The enemy is a RichTextNode (A sentence), every time it gets a hit from a bullet its visible_ratio property decreases; until all characters are gone; this causes the shrinking of the LabelContainer node as well
The struggles I’m having are two:
First, the CollisionShape stays the same size, thus, the player and the bullets end up hitting something invisible as the RichTextNode, and the LabelContainer become smaller – I’ve managed to reduce the size of the CollisionShape2D but never match the same size of the other two.
Second the CollisionShape2D shrinks like it has the anchor point in the center… while the LabelContainer reduces it’s size from the left top corner, so the CollisionShape2D never matches the same position of the other two.
Sharing he code here, referencing each node:
@onready var label : RichTextLabel = %Label
@onready var collision_shape : CollisionShape2D = %CollisionShape2D
@onready var label_container : BoxContainer = %LabelContainer
func damage():
set_health(health - 20)
var tween := create_tween()
var current_ratio := label.visible_ratio
var current_collision_size = collision_shape.shape.extents
var label_container_size := Vector2(label_container.get_minimum_size().x, label_container.get_minimum_size().y)
if health < 100:
tween.tween_property(label, "visible_ratio", current_ratio - 0.2, 0.2)
var rect_coll_shape := collision_shape.shape as RectangleShape2D
if rect_coll_shape:
rect_coll_shape.extents = label_container_size / 2
var new_size := label_container_size
rect_coll_shape.extents = new_size / 2
if health == 0:
thanks in advance!!
Sure, here’s the video
So, as we can see in the video, every hit the enemy get’s, the visible_ratio property becomes smaller, but, the collision shape is not…
It seems you have a redundant assignment, which may or may not cause issues but here is what I would try:
var rect_coll_shape := collision_shape.shape as RectangleShape2D
if rect_coll_shape:
# Set the collision shape extents to match the size of the label_container
rect_coll_shape.extents = label_container_size / 2 # Adjust size based on container
print("Updated collision shape size to: ", rect_coll_shape.extents)
# When health reaches 0, free the enemy
if health == 0:
Added a Print statement too to see what comes out in the console to help debug what may be happening here
Wow! I really appreciate this! So this was my solution
if health < 100:
tween.tween_property(label, "visible_ratio", current_ratio - 0.2, 0.2)
var new_size = label_container_size * current_ratio
var rect_coll_shape := collision_shape.shape as RectangleShape2D
if rect_coll_shape:
rect_coll_shape.extents = label_container_size / 2.88
print("update collision shape size to:", rect_coll_shape.extents)
print("size of label container:", label_container_size)
I’m making the rect_coll_shape.extents = label_container_size / 2.88 instead 2 because for some reason, if I used 2 it never quite gets the exact same size of the label_container_size … there’s something happening, cause they never match… and notice that the label_container_size wasn’t not decreasing it’s size according to the visible_ratio property of the phrase.
So I started to play with the number to get the closer I could get, and 2.88 worked just close enough.
Attaching some videos in here, this is what happened with dividing by two
And this is how it works, when dividing by 2.88, it gets close enough
And what I was trying to do, is what manually I can do on the editor, by reducing the visible_ratio property manually, I can see how the boxcontainer node reduces it’s size, so, I was trying for the collision_shape to follow this behavior as well
Anyway! thanks so much, because this got me super close to what I was trying to do! I’m going to replicate it with other similar enemies, hoping it works as well!!