How to append to array in a dict?

Godot Version



I want to have a dict containing an array, ie:

GM_commands = {gamecode:[command1, command2...]}

But when I try to append a command to the dict:

var GM_commands = {}

func _ready():
    var gamecode = "ABC"
    var command = "start_game"

    GM_commands[gamecode]=[] #so that the dict {"ABC":[]} exists

The last line gives me the error “Invalid get index 'append' (on base: 'array')” which I don’t understand.

What am I doing wrong please? Thanks

You should try this:

var GM_commands = {}

func _ready():
	var gamecode = "ABC"
	var command = "start_game"

	GM_commands.gamecode=[] #so that the dict {"ABC":[]} exists

In Godot, you can also access dictionary keys that way

This works perfectly fine for me in 4.2.2.stable
Mind sharing the full script?

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I restarted the server, and now it works without giving me an error message, so I have no idea what that error was about, sorry. Thanks for checking it out for me.

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