Godot Version
how to auto update the resource_name while update other properties in inspector
extends Resource
class_name Impact
@export var impactItem:Reason.ReasonItem
@export var value:float = 0.0
how to auto update the resource_name while update other properties in inspector
extends Resource
class_name Impact
@export var impactItem:Reason.ReasonItem
@export var value:float = 0.0
solved.(not auto, button trigger)
add a inpestor plugin.
modify Impact to
extends Resource
class_name Impact
@export var impactItem:Reason.ReasonItem
@export var value:float = 0.0
func _add_inspector_buttons() -> Array:
var buttons = []
"name": "update Resource_name button",
"icon": preload("res://icon.svg"),
"pressed": _on_test_button_pressed
"name": "Another button",
"pressed": _on_another_button_pressed
"name": "Other button with lambda",
"pressed": func(): print('Lambda callback')
return buttons
func _on_test_button_pressed(edited:Object) -> void:
if edited is Impact:
var temp:Impact = edited
#print('Test pressed on object: %s' % str(temp.position))
temp.resource_name = Reason.ReasonItem.keys()[temp.impactItem]+str(temp.value)
func _on_another_button_pressed(edited:Object) -> void:
print('Another button pressed')
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