Godot Version
So i upload my game to itch, but i noticed i lacks when it’s saves so i want to disable saving and loading when it’s played in the browser.
Here is what i tried:
if OS.get_name() != "WEB": #THIS LINE
(This i used before every safe and load func)
if not FileAccess.file_exists(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH):
config.set_value("video", "fullscreen" , true)
config.set_value("audio", "music_volume", 1.0)
config.set_value("audio", "sfx_volume", 1.0)
But i doesn’t seem to work. How to do this the right way? , it’s still lacking and it also does safe and load
And also, i’m surprised , that saving actually works. Can i really read and edit data on others PC with the web?